Mr. Bishop 称联邦调查局和国土安全部参与了社交媒体平台审查

1 year ago

Mr. Bishop said the FBI and Department of Homeland Security were involved in censorship of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google, resulting in millions of tweets and narratives being taken down. So this is why Miles Guo, the number one enemy of the CCP, said that anti-CCP information is censored and maybe only a small part is shown on social media.

Mr. Bishop 称联邦调查局和国土安全部参与了社交媒体平台如脸书、推特和谷歌的审查,导致数以百万计的推文和叙述被撤下。因此,这就是为什么中共的头号敌人郭文贵说反中共的信息被审查,也许只有一小部分被显示在社交媒体上的原因
#FreeMilesguo #FreeYvetteWang #盘古翻译部

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