PASC Course

1 year ago

PASC is a combination of effective assessment techniques developed from many different sources. These include direct practical contact with four of Tom Bowen’s original six students, plus many other notable practitioners of Australian and overseas bodywork.

Course is designed to provide an efficient and effective way of assessing clients receiving Bowen therapy with the emphasis on understanding the process of change. Based on 26 years experience as a practitioner, the course covers assessments of all the main Bowen areas/procedures. The assessment techniques includes, visual, palpation, orthopedic, kinesiological, intuitive, fascial, hydrostatic as well as those developed by the author for own experience and that of learning from four of Mr. Bowen’s original students.

In taking this workshop, therapists can provide more specific application of the technique by understanding the effects of the moves. By observing the quantitative changes in the body during a treatment, in turn enhances the
results of the treatments by providing the right amount of intervention.

Also provide a better understanding of the technique, the outcomes and be more effective and efficient in the application of the techniques. This allows the practitioner to communicate to other therapists in a quantitative
assessment manner, when referring to, or receiving referrals from other health practitioners. More confident in dealing with clients and other allied health practitioners.

Understand a conceptual philosophy underpinning Bowen therapy both at a macro and micro level. Learn to assess various parts of the body and evaluate paths of dysfunction. Devise appropriate treatment options. Evaluate the effect of the move/s on different parts of the body during the treatment. Re-evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment process.

The course participant will learn, be able to explain and reproduce in a manner consistent with other practitioners; subjective and objective measures defined by visual, intuitive, biomechanical, fascial, hydrostatic and kinesiological outcomes.

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