Don't Stop the Dance by Bryan Ferry ~ Stay on the Path that is Strait and Narrow...

1 year ago

As great as Roxy Music was, as a band, Bryan Ferry's Solo career produced even better Albums than Roxy Music's Classic period, which is saying a lot...

Don't Stop the Dance was from Bryan Ferry's Brilliant 1985 Album (#1 in the UK), Boys and Girls, an entire album about the Sacred Importance of Relationships between Men and Wombmen...where the overall premise to the album was that we have been MISLED about both ourselves and much so, that Ferry accurately described us as mere Boys and Girls, attempting to make Sacred Love work, without knowing a single thing about this most important of Subjects...

In this song, Don't Stop the Dance, the Song teaches what Colleen and I both practice and Teach, which is, that to make ANY relationship work, both Partners must place God Front and Center in their own without this Penitence to God, we, Boys and Girls, simply become Bored, Distracted and Disloyal to each other, resulting in a host of negative and complicated outcomes...

During the Song, Ferry has the Chorus ('Don't Stop, Don't Stop the Dance, No more Music, Don't Stop the Dance') sung from the Perspective of God, teaching us that we must NEVER disconnect from the State of Grace attained by learning to go Deep Within ourselves, and the Oneness achieved with God...

And throughout the Song, Ferry starts each Verse with Wise, Common Sensical Teachings from 'his Mother', or the Sacred Feminine, that remind us to stay FOCUSED upon those things which are Truly Important in Life...

'Mama says Truth is all that matters, Lying and Deceiving is a sin'...
'Mama says, Love is all the matters, Beauty should be deeper than your skin'
'Mama says, Only stormy weather, Don't know why there's no SON in the sky'

And it is in these three Verses that such great Wisdom is shared with us, driven home via the Chorus, where God constantly reminds us to STAY upon the Path that is Strait and Narrow, never Drifting off into Temptation...

And on top of all of this, Ferry's Hypnotic, Circular Rhythm to the Song, keeps the Listener, Focused upon the record's Groove, or Vibe, wherein the Message begins to sink into us, Deeply...without a doubt, this is one of the Finest songs that Bryan Ferry ever wrote, and one of my absolute Personal Favorites...a total Gem...

Love, CF

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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