1 year ago

FUNNY99TEAM | This cute pets compilation has adorable animal videos that you will you smile! Such as a dog stealing a baseball from a boy, another dog stealing a pizza from a child, a dog sitting like a human, a pug licking a mans bald head, a lizard scaring a cat, a guilty dog caught destroying a pillow, a puppy playing with a door stopper, a dog sticking out its head during a car ride, a kitten caught licking toilet water, a dog playing jenga and so much more!
Funny Vines brings you the best compilations of the funniest clips on the Internet. We've got everything from fails to TikToks, funny animals, the latest viral videos, and of course the classic Vines that started it all. New comps every Thursday and Saturday. Subscribe so you never miss one! Major Vine energy ahead.

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