Our purpose within the warmth of Electra this beautiful planet

1 year ago

The systematic levels of understanding are required adjusting as the levels of structure are about to change. As this is a consolidated effort to enforce enlightenment and advancement of a species our hope is to rescue this world from the XAXA as the stated consciousness of destruction and degeneration of a species is underway and affects all the time lines we are securing. The threat from the earth is great as it is not t77777777777he simple minded earthlings in their materilistic 3d world of pleasures and pains in fourth dimenisonal mind. The THREAT is from the others we know as the TECH races and the biological entities.

Zibar began to show illustration within a holographic Video showing multiple activities where we focused into the area where a Star called Solea with 10 planetary bodies has all but lost its environment of 3d beings and the loss of the soul vibration of the species of humans living there.

The will of the universe is to bring life into manifestation and to secure and support its being. In the hive mind of the negative universe it is opposite and this force from other lines of time, times of conflict without end, struggle without reward, where there is existence yet no life, this realm of negatives and one purpose which they follow which is to destroy all life. It is a dangerous foray into our universe by these invaders. With the loss of Zeta Reticuli and most of the Orion Cluster the Draconians are facing advances of negativity with the realm of Saturn and this will lead to an unstoppable confrontation between the light and the dark.

Our purpose with you here within the warmth of Electra on this beautiful planet 4th in orbit such a beautiful peace you have created here. Yet the same was true of MARS and this parallel is of true appreciation of your next step to avoid what occurred on mars we must descend to earth through mental projection and emotional teleportation. The humans are not so ready for the real walk in as their souls are valuable and being appropriated by the millions as we conjecture on the reality. It is reality and this harvest of souls cannot be allowed to happen as it will result in not only the destruction of the SOLEAN system it will destroy most of the Sector and this Arm of the Milkyway before we can stop it by using the power of the Galactic heart. Truth is this is where we must focus to save earth and our own galaxies.

The 10 planetary bodies of Sol have all but lost its environment of 3d beings and the loss of the soul vibration of the species of humans living there. As well known in Akashic records history of this evolution the Draconians have stewarded base memory within the lower brain reactive functioning of Human Vehicles expressing on Earth. Within present temporal fields MARS, Maldek (tiamat) Jupiter and Saturn Moons including Europa and earth's moon have either lost the heartfield Atmosphere, the MYST, the Nousphere and the creative morphology of the synergism of all sentient and presentient forms. It is the HeartLight which is at present under reconfiguration.

Humor within the Galactic Realm is quite Racist from Draconian Perspective as Geneology is a prime directive of purity and potency with its DNA base copper core electrical pervasive symmetry of design. To retell the Great Joke of Intelligent Species within the entities inhabiting Earth their self-comphrehension is

Hyperdimensional species such as the BLUES, Pleiadian, Sirians, Arcturian are engaging the Violet White and Gold of Andromedans to transition into 7th dimensional activity.

The will of the universe is to bring life into manifestation and to secure and support its being. In the hive mind of the negative universe it is opposite and this force from other lines of time, times of conflict without end, struggle without reward, where there is existence yet no life, this realm of negatives and one purpose which they follow which is to destroy all life. It is a dangerous foray into our universe by these invaders. With the loss of Zeta Reticuli and most of the Orion Cluster the Draconians are facing advances of negativity with the realm of Saturn and this will lead to an unstoppable confrontation between the light and the dark.

Our purpose with you here within the warmth of Electra on this beautiful planet 4th in orbit such a beautiful peace you have created here. Yet the same was true of MARS and this parallel is of true appreciation of your next step to avoid what occurred on mars we must descend to earth through mental projection and emotional teleportation. The humans are not so ready for the real walk in as their souls are valuable and being appropriated by the millions as we conjecture on the reality. It is reality and this harvest of souls cannot be allowed to happen as it will result in not only the destruction of the SOLEAN system it will destroy most of the Sector and this Arm of the Milkyway before we can stop it by using the power of the Galactic heart. Truth is this is where we must focus to save earth and our own galaxies.

In knowing this Zibr related the following personal reality of a soul path to which this reality on earth revolves. The individual consciousness within terra earth gaia ion determines the fundamental four directions of awareness with the vertical plane being of octave synchronization and balance.
Draconians are not story tellers. The consciousness of the Draco, Lyran, Sirian, Pleiadian and Arcturian cultures are ingrained within the sphere of humanity. The mutations or evolutions exist within humanity as hybridization models and pattern expansions. These then are the lesser combined species that have limited or reduced operations. The Zeta Reticuli are said to be of a previous earth when in fact they are from a future earth and displaced from time by their own will and desire… This created an implosion within the oversoul and all subsequent soul carriers, those who have the divine life essence of sentient capacity. The reptilians are part of our substructure of humanity on earth where the human lyran lineage is intermixed within the Draconian DNA to have a being with a very polarized nervous, vascular and respiratory system. Fundamentals of blood, temperature, pressure and energy production are regulated by hormones and mental activity in the human species. The Draconian

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