Naked Solstice!: LCN's 2023 Harriman Announcement

1 year ago

Naked Solstice!: LCN's 2023 Harriman Announcement

Who: You

What: A day of nude hiking and swimming

When: Wednesday, June 21st, 2023 (rain date: Thursday, June 22nd); step off 10am EST -- sunrise pre-hike at 4:40am (n.b., please email us to RSVP for the sunrise event)

Where: meet at New York's Harriman State Park "Lake Sebago Boat Launch"; GPS coordinates, NJ 41° 11' 15.4824" N, 74° 4' 58.3824" W

Why: Because social nudity helps people feel confident in themselves; grace builds on nature = until individuals are secure in themselves no lasting social renewal, the telos of Apocatastasis Institute, will occur.

thumbnail painting: "A Morning Dip," Paul Fischer

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