Can You Beat Skyrim Without Taking Damage?

1 year ago

Skyrim is regarded as one of the most popular Open World Role Playing Games of all time. That is because it allows you to create a character you want, use what you want, and play it how you want. So, what if you wanted to play with 1 health/without being able to take damage?

(This is also just another reason to justify one more stealth archer playthrough.)

You may notice that I have mods installed, however all of the mods I have are for graphical purposes and immersion, I don’t have any that overhaul the perk system, combat, or anything of that nature. Let me know if you would like to post all of the mods I have installed, and feel free to leave any mod suggestions.

TL;DW It is possible to beat Skyrim without taking damage. Now self-admittedly this isn’t exactly one of the most original challenge runs, but I wanted to give it a go still. Mainly because my last challenge run was with an archer who didn't use stealth, so I wanted to do a stealth archer to see how big the difference was. And let me tell you in advance, it’s a drastic difference. It’s like a Level 1 Crook vs a Level 100 Boss.

Not many people saw the first video, so this is a reupload. But I made a new thumbnail that I'm very proud of and made some other slight adjustments. Hopefully, you all enjoy this one much more than my last.

Does anyone even read the description anymore? If you are reading this, may the divines watch over you my friend. I really appreciate you for reading this all the way through (Or skipping to the end paragraph). If you enjoyed the video consider subscribing and leaving a like and I'll be able to make more videos like this in the future. If you have any questions, comments, snarky remarks leave a comment below. Thank you once again, and have a great rest of your day.

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