Pedophilia Is Running Rampant in This Country, and No One In Power Is Doing Anything About It

1 year ago

“A generation ago, talking to someone else’s children about sex was widely considered grounds for a thrashing. Touching them sexually was effectively a death penalty offense,” attested @TuckerCarlson.

But things have changed.

“The Wall Street Journal ran a long expose about kiddie porn on Instagram. Instagram, the Journal found, quote, ‘helps connect and promote a vast network of accounts openly devoted to the commission and purchase of underage sex content.’” reported @TuckerCarlson.

“The Journal story was accurate. It was all pretty shocking but not as shocking as what happened next, which was effectively nothing at all. The largest circulation newspaper in the United States revealed that one of the world’s most influential companies was promoting Pedophilia, and nobody in power did anything about it.”

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