ZION Tower of David Live com Aaron Shust & Joshua Aaron

1 year ago

Here is Tabernacle of David SON's 1st YouTube video for TRUTH Achers
Here is evidence that the LORD promised, "to raise up the fallen tabernacle of David", what a gift from the coming Kingdom of God, to this falling world. "It is the great video called ZION, that I muted from @Aaron Shust, with pictorial Israel's, "I will bring you back home", journey. Muted, because the audio overlap of his Tower of David performance of ZION, made "His praise", even more glorious, by the added Joshua Aaron musicians.
I found the Live ZION version on @Joshua Aaron YouTube. Like the coming marriage of Messiah and Church, these two Aaron's have been chosen for there pure Tabernacle of David SON musical worship and their Christian Gentile/ Messianic Jewish cultural blended musician skills. All credit for this work belongs to them and the LORD Jesus, putting them as pioneers to bring Israel spiritually back home. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, soon. Amen.
Aaron Shust • ZION [Official Ly...
Joshua Aaron • ZION (Live in Jer...
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