The Revenge of Care Bear Jesus ft. @Fighting for the Faith @the Messed Up Church @LutheranSatire

1 year ago

Hey, guys. This is an audio creation that I made about nine months ago based on a video from her YouTube video, where to Lutherans were talking about who the real Pharisees are, and I took this little segment from the conversation, and added some music and funny sound effects. I don’t know if all of the people involved are on Rumble or not, but I know they’re on YouTube: fighting for the faith, the messed up, church, and Lutheran satire. Music was taken from the Lutheran, satire video, “Saint Patrick: the musical.“ The main audio is from the video, “ F, for F, will the real Pharisee please stand up? The background tracks are free on YouTube: “sneaky snitch,“ “scheming, weasel,“ and “house of leaves.“ This is sort of me, poking fun at both sides, just trying to highlight how funny it was for me (and hopefully you as well). I highly recommend you guys check out fighting for the faith, though, since he is a Lutheran, I suggest you take some of the things he says, regarding baptism with a pinch of salt. Take care, and God bless. 

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