JFK Speech About Deep State & Secrecy in High Places

1 year ago

JFK Speech About Deep State & Secrecy in High Places

What is the Khazarian Mafia?
The Khazarian Mafia are a secret society of crooked 13 Bloodline families that hid as Fake Jews [Khazars] to trick the World into believing the Big Lie of National Wealth through Eternal Wars, Debt-Slavery and Child Sacrifices to Satanic agendas. They are the original Cannanites bloodline.

Who are these SCUMBAGS
First - There were Real Jews [= Jesus and the Bible Prophets] vs. Fake Khazarian Mafia Jews [= Babylonian Money- Black Magick, Talmudic “Jews' ' of Slavic, Caucasian ethnicity.
Also called the Mossad who control the mainstream media 📺

Good Stuff

Spiritual mentor/coach, author, speaker
Lisa Bhakti ~ Lioness of God🌟 Light Worker, Awakener & Warrior of love, truth & justice. Digital soldier in NC, USA.
See the 🌟light, be the 🌟light, shine the 🌟light.💙


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