لانگ لائف چائنیز سیکریسٹ 2023 | चीन के लंबे जीवन के रहस्य 2023 | LONG LIFE Chinese SECRETS 2023

1 year ago

Natural Movement

Forget the gym or that morning jog — Blue Zoners all reside in places where they have to naturally move their bodies all day, like walking to shops instead of driving and gardening without the help of electric or gas-powered tools.


A Sense of Purpose

Do you have a sense of purpose in life? Knowing what gets you up every morning can give you up to seven years of extra life expectancy.


Taking Time to De-Stress

Everyone inevitably experiences various kinds of stress in life. But having a routine or ritual to de-stress every day is vital to lessening the harmful, aging impact of stress on your mind and body. For example, Okinawans pause daily to remember their ancestors, Adventists pray, Ikarians have a siesta and Sardinians enjoy a happy hour.


Eating Light and Less

Don’t eat to feel totally full — just 80% full. According to the researchers, this Confucian mantra that Okinawans adhere to could make the difference between losing or gaining weight. Blue Zoners also eat their smallest — and their last — meal in the late afternoon or early evening.


A Plant-Based Diet

Better load up on your legumes: fava beans, black beans, soybeans and lentils are what you’ll have to eat to make it to 100. Meat, usually pork, is eaten just a few times a month in small 3- or 4-ounce portions.


Happy Hour

These centenarians know how to enjoy their extended lives. All of them, excluding the Adventists, drink one or two glasses of alcohol (often wine) per day, but always with friends or with food, which is key.



Almost all of the centenarians included in the study were part of some kind of faith-based community. And for good reason: research has shown that attending religious services may help you live longer. If you’re not religious, you could try meditation or other centering activities to connect with your inner self.


Surrounding Yourself With Family

Keep your family close, including aging parents or grandparents. Living with them was also shown to decrease the rates of disease and mortality in the children of the household. Blue Zoners usually partner for life, which can add up to three years of life expectancy.


Forever Friends

It takes a village to live healthier and longer. The world’s oldest citizens were part of social circles (by choice or by birth) that supported healthy behaviors and research shows that happiness is contagious. One example: Okinawans created moais, groups of five friends who are committed to each other for life.

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