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![Mark and Avoid](
Mark and Avoid
Calvary Community Church of Tampa LIVE Midweek Service Service with Pastor Jesse Martinez
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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.
(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)
#mark #avoid #bibleline #preachers #pastors #falseteachers #falseteaching #falsedoctrine #salvation
all right if you can uh take your Bibles and join me in Romans chapter 16 Romans chapter 16.
I want to talk to you tonight about you know the topic that's up on the screen there marking and avoiding
a lot of the work that I do is around question and answer and I just got an email this past
a few hours of somebody that asked me what does it mean in John 3 16 to believe
when I get emails like that um the more and more I get emails like that the more
tender I am to people's need to hear clear teaching and I don't really care how much it
needs to be said there is some major value in repetition I learned in Bible College that repetition is theological
mucilage Pastor what does that mean I don't know I failed that class so I couldn't tell you just kidding it just
means that it's glue that's what mucilage is it's a you know big word for a a very common thing
but in order for you to understand Bible Doctrine you need to have it on repeat a lot of people would say that's
brainwashing it's not God repeats things in his word over and over and over the
matter of fact he knew that Israel was not going to be able to keep the law that they wanted so badly that's why he
put you know instructions not even to to come near Mount Sinai when Moses was up there and
what did Israel do when Moses was a little late they burned it all down and they made a
golden calf and they said this is Jehovah that's brought us out of Egypt how do you get to that point you forget what God has already told you you forget
and this phrase Mark and avoid Mark and avoid people have used this against Ministries
like ours they say you're causing division you're not giving people a chance you know we gotta love everybody
we gotta give everybody the you know the chance to be wrong but there's a difference here with Mark and avoid
we're not talking about people that are ignorant of the truth and they haven't come to a full understanding yet that's that's not what we're talking about
we're talking about a very specific group of people false teachers Jesus talks about them Jude talks about them
and so does Paul and that's what we're going to study tonight but before we get started I have some things I've written that I want to share
with you false teachers are rampant and their number will increase as the clock moves closer to the Rapture of the
church Paul Compares these teachers to Jonathan John Bruce how many of you know those two names Janice and John Burris
okay they were the magicians uh the prophets and you know
all the the Wizards and things like that in Egypt that tried to through demonic
means uh replicate the things that God was doing through Moses
um it's not the most biblically accurate movie in the uh out there but there's a really good animated film called The
Prince of Egypt and they kind of animate this and they have a little song and stuff that goes on with this and I
always remember in Sunday school when I was learning about these two
these two guys how persuasive they were with their miracles many people believed what they
were seeing and as we get more into the world today you can't believe what you see it's not
always the truth I'm all into technology and stuff and so I paid attention at the worldwide
developer conference that apple had this past week and it is so Eerie to see this
technology that's coming out how many of you have seen that virtual reality that apple is going to start selling it's
about thirty five hundred dollars by the way you have to worry about that for me guys I'm not getting that anytime soon 3
500 dollars that's a decent car you know like you know well I don't know about decent but
that's a pretty good amount of money it's so Eerie the technology where you
they they have this mode it's called eyesight where it's the first of its kind and it's like you can put the
virtual reality goggles on and instead of just having a blind Vision you can
through sensors that are around this device it will reveal your eyes and then you can see
the people that are outside from this screen it was so Eerie when they demonstrated it as you know people are
just in a room it's decorated with Furniture but there's no screen the screen is on their face and they're
looking around and you know they're they're telling you this is going to be so productive this is going to be so great but I'm looking at it I'm going this
will be technology that is used in the end times think about how easy it would be for
Apple to get into what you see develop a pattern and then just start changing
things a little bit here and there you know when you use your iPhone and you use uh you know predictive texting
when it when it predicts what you're going to say do you know how it compiles that
based off of things that you've already typed into the phone outside of your message application I mean these things they're monitoring
you all the time Apple has this this feature called live video our live photo where you can take a
picture and it'll take a little bit before like it'll make it like a little moving GIF so to speak you realize that
when you press the photo button it's already recording a little bit so that you can get that live photo
that means that thing is on all the time as long as you have it turned on and you can be totally deceived by this
kind of technology and the world is like Apple they're so great they're so
wonderful this technology is going to change the world yeah it will I don't know if it'll be for a good thing
but imagine how all this stuff is going to be used in the end times it'll be rampant but I think of those two
magicians in Egypt because Paul mentions them in other portions of scripture that
we're not going to look at tonight but they deceive people these guys were never going to believe in the god that
Moses was telling them to believe in they were never going to believe their their whole purpose was to deceive
people and get them on their side of the interpretation and that is exactly how we see false
teachers today we're going to go through that as much as we can get through and I think we have a good amount of time
Paul Compares these teachers to Janice and John Bruce because they are of corrupt minds and they resist the truth
ultimately they will be rejected by Jesus because they have never placed their trust solely in him for their
salvation like the false prophets in Egypt these false teachers today cannot
stop themselves from seizing the opportunity to make merchandise out of the church
Paul tells Christians that these false teachers must be marked and avoided to reduce the chance of the believer's
faith becoming empty and by the way I'm using the word empty the KJV uses the
word vain that does not mean that you didn't believe enough into eternal life to have
a faith that is vain or a faith that is dead it has no Prophet it has no value
how does that come about you do not know the Bible you may know what is necessary to get to
heaven and you have put your trust in Jesus Christ but you become useless
to other people because you get caught up in false teachers and they're everywhere folks they're everywhere they're having
service tonight they'll draw hundreds of thousands of people over the next few hours with all
the videos on YouTube alone the church will do well to know these
teachers know what they teach and warn others of their doctrines of devils
the first thing I want to talk about is the teacher's role in the church I told you to go to Romans chapter 16
but let's forego that for a moment we need to go to Ephesians first so let's go to Ephesians chapter four
I want you to notice the the pattern here that we see for churches as far as
different roles in the church the two books that Paul wrote to Timothy are extremely important for ministers and
laymen in the church most of what Paul wrote was directed to those that work in Christian Ministry when he was talking
to Timothy because those individuals would have the responsibility to accurately teach the
word of God to the Layman while it's not necessary that any man should teach the church there are people
who God has placed in the church for the purpose of teaching the holy spirit is the one teacher
and those with the gift of teaching and preaching should not contradict what he has already said in the Bible
that's why when we read the Bible we're not reading the teachings of a man we are reading the word of God so all the
power and authority comes off of me as your teacher and is placed on God as proper
where the problem comes in is if I start teaching contrary to what God has said now we've got a problem
but there are people who God has given specific gifts to be teachers and I want you to see that right here in Ephesians
chapter four let's start in verse 11. and he gave some Apostles and some
prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers this is the reason when you see that for
f-o-r for what the perfecting of the Saints the work of the ministry the
edifying of the body of Christ so the teachers and Prophets and apostles and all that they're given for these
specific reasons I don't see anything here about building an empire I don't see anything about here about
making them a Slave making them accountable to that person
in my studies I came across an excellent set of um statements about how to deal with a
sinning Christian and it's stuff that I think would be great for a study on a Wednesday night but even as a pastor or as a teacher I
don't have Spiritual Authority over the people that I'm shepherding I have a responsibility to teach the truth and
then use what the word of God's Authority is on that individual it's a very long process to kick
somebody out of church it's not just I didn't like what they said to me in the hall so I'm going to kick them out
there's a long process God wants restoration always he wants restoration but there's a lot of people that have
weaponized the pulpit in favor of becoming the power-hungry
pastor that's not how it should work who's the head of this ministry it ain't me
is Jesus Christ so we point to him and if you're found to be doing something
outside of the Bible it's my responsibility to let you know what the Bible says and we move towards restoration we're
expecting that change in Behavior if that doesn't happen there's steps that go forward from that but it's always
restoration a lot of times that's the last thing that's done the work of the ministry it is to
perfecting the Saints the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ verse 13 until we all come in the
unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man unto the
measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ when does this happen when we're done with this sinful body
and we're gone we should be progressing every single week that we meet
we should be coming to a better understanding in unity not in division and you'll see the importance of that
word division when we get to this later that henceforth that we henceforth be no more children
tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of Doctrine but by the slight
of men and the cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive
the reason why there's a there's a Ministry for perfecting the Saints and edifying the body until the day that
we're with the Lord we keep doing these things is so that we do not get caught up in these waves of false teaching
and if you're smart well I don't want to say smart because then it implies that some of you may be stupid that's not what I mean if you're
paying attention you'll be able to see these waves you'll see these waves come out every
time there's a calendar with a bunch of Blood Moons somebody's writing a book to sell to you to get you caught up in some type of new
prophecy or new interpretation that you never knew before you buy my book at 685 Pages you'll find out
and you find out there's nothing new in there the eclipses go by
everyone's ready to tell you that this is it what does the bible say that the next thing on the calendar is
not more eclipses it's not natural disasters and things although those things are going to come to pass
the Rapture of the church when you find yourself suddenly transformed and with the Lord you know
that things are going as planned but people want to make merchandise out of you
they want to prey on you and if you're weak you will fall into it
you got to be careful I want you to notice a couple of things here in 14 the slight of men craftiness
they deceive and it says that they lie in wait that means they're not busting
through the door saying I'm a false teacher they come into church and they sit down
they come into your podcast in your YouTube and your daily devotionals and all that and they just they just hang
out then they start little by little teaching their stuff and they it's like a bear trap that's
covered in leaves you can't see it until it's clamped around your leg and you're like whoa that's not normal
but and this is very important to recognize 15 here but speaking the truth in love may grow up into into him in all
things which is the head even Christ you don't grow up into a better understanding to make your pastor happy or to become I'm a whatever denomination
you want to use I'm a southern baptist I'm a Anglican I'm a Lutheran whatever it is we need to grow up into Christ
I want you to see that but speaking the truth in love may grow up into him in all things grow up into
him this is this is the this is what we should be moving towards
I think a lot of pastors have put down their their Bibles in favor of you know
commentaries and Theology theologians and you know selling books and making
merchandise out of people just teach the word of God and do it in love
that's another thing that I think a lot of people Miss especially on the right politically where's the love just because the other
side's not showing love we need to demonstrate the love of Christ I know that's one of the most dangerous
things that's happening right now we're just losing all decency and it's it's so dangerous that should
not be how we as Christians behave that's not how Christ behaved and if we're supposed to grow up into
him he's our example 16. from whom the whole body fitly joined
together and compacted by that which every joint Supply everything is working as it plans as our as it is designed
according to the effectual working and the measure of every part maketh increase of the body unto the edifying
of itself in love how do you make increase of the body more people are added that's the unbeliever putting
their faith in Jesus Christ becoming a Believer and them being built up through love and teaching in the scripture you
think that God has a plan for the church he absolutely does and he knows there'll be schisms and
divisions and that's why Paul says very clearly Mark those people that behave in such a way and teach a false Doctrine
and avoid them it's like going around a you know a facility that has dangerous
radiation but your favorite fast food joints right next to it well guess what you got to make a
decision stop going or get the effects of the radiation
I don't give any the false teachers we don't give them a stage we don't say yeah they got some things good no no
nothing's good there because what happens is you start making them seem like equals well they're just
doing they just have a different interpretation there's only one way to heaven folks and if someone's teaching something else
it's a way that doesn't save and we should be saying that because the threat is hell it's not
Purgatory or you know you don't get a couple more jewels in your crown it's you end up separated from God
forever in a place called hell we shouldn't take that risk let me read this to you here teachers
are supposed to edify the church the word edify there means to build up teachers are not supposed to go outside
of God's word to build up the church they should be helping they should help bring unity in the church and help it
become more complete the object of the church is Jesus Christ it is his body
there is a present threat to destroy the unity and completeness of the church and that is described as wind from false
teachers in this passage they cause the um they cause the believer and ultimately the church to be tossed from
Doctrine to Doctrine and dis disrupt edification and unity isn't that exactly
what the church is experiencing today most Christians can't agree on anything and prefer their own experiences to the
teaching from God's word here's what I've seen a lot of small groups which is why we don't do small groups here
people open up the Bible they read a very important passage they go around and they ask what does that mean to you
that's that is opening it up for private interpretation
well Pastor you're nitpicking well someone could look at Ephesians 2 8-10 and say I'm saved and I have to
have good works in order to be saved here you are in a small group where everything's supposed to be warm and
cheery and someone just dropped a heresy what do you do oh that's nice
that that becomes a major problem not saying small groups are bad but they
had to be done the correct way but a lot of people everything's up to their own interpretation well this is what I think and this is what I think and this is
what I think and we're all just good we're here at church so we're good teachers have a significant responsibility
they are an important part of the church the culmination of a teacher that teaches the Bible is an increase of
edification in love a healthy church is a church where people are taught the
Bible correctly which is to say contextually and that they love one another
they have a heart for the Lost how many churches match this description today
not many why not they have been tossed about by the wind of false teachers now
let's go to Romans 16 and we'll talk there for a moment just a little bit
most of Christians today uh can't spot an error in their churches because they don't know the truth Paul
gives his audience a Stern warning in Romans 16 verses 17-18 and explains the
true intent of these teachers let's take a look now I beseech you brethren mark them
and you should okay we're told to mark them which do what mark this which cause divisions
and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned and avoid them I
want you to make a note that in Philippians chapter 4 Paul gives the same instruction doesn't say Mark and
avoid but he says the things that you've received of me and learned of me and seen me do you go do there's a clear
expectations for Christians to go do what they are taught not to stay saved
but to be obedient and this is what's not happening in the world today we're getting a little
spiritually you know we're running out of notches on the Belt we are becoming so we are such consumers
of content but we don't do anything the Bible says don't just be a hearer be
a doer and that man's deed shall be blessed James 1 talks about that
I want you to note a couple things about these two verses first the false teachers are charged with causing
Division and offenses in contrary to what Paul had taught them it's important
to note that Christians should know their bibles inside and out how can a Christian heed Paul's warnings if he
doesn't even know what the Bible says on major issues second the false teachers threaten the
unity that Paul said the church was to maintain and grow in we saw that in Ephesians 4.
Unity does not mean blind obedience to a preacher or a denomination by the way I was sent an article
on Wednesday night last week where among other things will blow your
mind that are happening in the United Methodist Church that says that 70 30 percent
of UMC congregants when recently polled said that Jesus sinned just like you and
I something is wrong there something is wrong there how do you get to that
interpretation the Bible's no longer taught I got a Bible verse many that say
that Hebrews 4 he was tempted in all points as you and I were but he was without sin so we got
a problem who's right God or the UMC
they're having they're having questions as to whether it's okay if their pastors dress in Drag
what's going on how do we get to that point well we're going to take the word out and we're going to go with what's in
the culture but the culture says it's good then we should do it really what did the culture say about Jesus crucify
him crucify him crucify him how did that go Jesus had two trials and they were
flawlessly executed right everything was done above board one of them was done in the middle of the night
and the other one the Pagan leader pilate tried to get out of it three times because he didn't find anything
wrong with Jesus pilate's wife had nightmares about Christ they still put him on the cross
so is the culture always right no and it's only comfortable for so long
folks you can see that today things are getting out of hand I mean they've been out of hand but now they're way out of
hand foreign there are plenty of different functions
in the church but none uh but none of these differences should include major major doctrinal issues like salvation
Paul closes verse 16 with a clear instruction to avoid these teachers it is very easy to give credit to false
teachers for their people skills and ability to convince others of their Doctrine but Paul is very clear
The Church Must Mark these men publicly and avoid any of their causes when the
church gives these false teachers a platform or Awards them for their work it essentially says that the differences
are minor no these differences are between life and death especially if they relate to
Salvation sometimes I feel like in college people would get sick they would get sick of when we would ask what's
their gospel what's their gospel it's like it doesn't matter what their gospel is they're good on this but what's their
gospel because that's the only thing that matters if someone's teaching a workspaced
message but they can help you get your bank account in order what's going to matter more
you have to put it in that perspective and people say that's too much that's that's too single-minded we're called to
be single-minded when it comes to the issue of salvation because if we if we if we give that up
then anything is going to be able to be given up and the devil knows this the devil knows
this verse 17 very specifically
um tells us that they excuse me verse 18 for they that are such serve not our
Lord Jesus Christ but their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple it's
all about them their desires their goals and their Power Pause especially detailed when he says that they do not
serve Jesus Christ I think that's one of the most important notes to take there they're not doing the same thing this is
not the same thing it is easy to say that because that that avoids you from getting in trouble you
know what I'm saying like uh getting accused of being difficult but they're not serving Christ they're against him
you see very clearly they're for their own desires that's what it means there for their own belly it doesn't mean that they they enjoy
food which they probably do but they enjoy that drain of power from
people and boy they get it you ever seen some of these rallies or these false teachers I mean people are just fainting over
them there's a there's a series right now that's out about you know explaining
some of the teachings behind a man named Bill Gothard Institute of basic life principles this guy has a lot of Bible
Doctrine but he doesn't teach a clear gospel and latida La Tida lots of
problems with sexual assault do you think that this is a surprise you
can almost call it now these people that try to teach Bible Doctrine but they deny the power in
Bible Doctrine what's the power in the Bible Jesus Christ I think it's so funny that there's an
Institute for basic life principles that teaches nothing about how to get to heaven wouldn't you think that's a basic thing
they are enemies and seek to fulfill their own agendas when a false teacher is made known it will always be
according to what he teaches this is why and I cannot stress this point enough Christians in the church
must know their Bibles Paul is not the only one that speaks about false teachers note the words of
Our Savior Jesus Christ in Matthew 7 15. you can mark this we're running out of
time so I'll read it to you but Matthew 7 15 says beware of false prophets
which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves
isn't that something you should avoid a ravening wolf is not something you would welcome into the Sheep pen
ravening is a very telling description of these teachers they are set to devour their audiences since they're there in
Romans 16 look at Verse 18 Again but their own belly
they're looking for the satisfaction of filling their own need
they consume your attention your servitude and most of all your money
they are always telling you secret keys to a better spiritual understanding they Masquerade with the name of Jesus Christ
but they are far from him their end will be made known by what they produce
Jude also paints an illustration of these false teachers note these words in Jude let's take a look
look at Jude 4. for there are certain men crept in
unawares who were before of old ordained to this condemnation ungodly men turning
the grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God and our
Lord Jesus Christ look at verse 8. likewise also these filthy dreamers
defile the flesh despise dominion and speak evil of dignities
look in verse 10 but these speak evil of those things which they know not
what does that mean they're talking about biblical principles that they don't even
understand but what they know naturally as brute
beasts and those things they corrupt themselves verses 12-13 these are spots
in your Feast of charity when they Feast with you feeding themselves without fear
clouds they are without water carried about of winds
trees whose fruit withereth without fruit twice dead plucked up from the
roots Raging Waves of the sea what beautiful descriptions but very scary
I don't want to be privy under these teachers foaming out their own shame wandering
stars to whom is reserved the Blackness of Darkness forever yikes
you want to hit your wagon with that this is why we say this is who they are stay away from them it's not insensitive
these are God's words verse 16 these are murmurers complainers
walking after their own lusts and their mouth speaketh great swelling words having men's persons in admiration
because of advantage oh they're great speakers sound good look good probably even smelt good if
you got real close they got no value God's word is crystal clear and does not
mince word when he describes these men I do not believe that these false teachers will ever change their minds
and trust in Jesus for eternal life I believe this is why God speaks of them in this way this is not because God made
them reject him this is because they are absolutely set on themselves and their wicked desires whatever gets them the
crowds is what they will teach they want all the eyeballs the church will be wise to not even entertain these men as Paul
so aptly says mark them and avoid them want to say a quick word on ignorant
teachers because I think a lot of times this is the claim that's levied the most against Ministries that rightly divide
the word they say that if you don't agree with them on every single issue then you're going to absolutely just flame in torch
these people no that's not how it goes and I I have prepared this part because I want you to hear
my thoughts on it there are a lot of Bible teachers that get things wrong for example I may have
Pastor friends that believe in covenant theology but still teach the gospel correctly
I may have friends that believe the Rapture occurs before the second coming but will still teach the gospel clearly
Others May argue about when the church started the validity of dispensational theology or other issues these are
issues that don't Merit the intense rejection that false teachers should receive why well the one problem with
false teachers is what they teach about salvation they rest on a myriad of mystical doctrines that take away the only thing
that saves a person they teach that trust alone in Jesus isn't enough you must perform Miracles you must speak in
tongues essentially you must show your faith with Works in order to prove you're saved and they become the ones
you must demonstrate that to they enslave people to themselves they themselves are not saved an ignorant
believer may just be getting things wrong but they're still a part of the body of Christ
there's that's a major difference when you come across somebody that's teaching a Doctrine it's not correct but
they're saved you have a responsibility it's laid out for you how you should approach that person
it's a shame on older Christians that don't give the younger people a chance
to learn I think it's it's easy to remember we were once there
we were once somebody that didn't understand everything I remember where I was when I learned the the proper
understanding of predestination I could have easily been caught up in a calvinist Doctrine if it was saying the
right thing but I'm glad I had someone like Dr Arnold who listened to my silly questions
and gave me this is what the Bible says this is what the Bible says teachers like Mr Hernandez and and many
people who teach the Bible clearly I'm glad they just didn't say what a
dummy just sit down and be quiet that would have went well that's a lot of love try that with your spouse
next time you guys have a disagreement just tell them to shut up and wait until it's better
yeah that ain't gonna work there's no love in that message there are varying degrees to what
doctrines are major and what doctrines are minor The Church Must Be careful not to throw the baby out with the bath
water if we see a fellow brother or sister in Christ teaching a Doctrine incorrectly
we must approach them in truth and love with the intent to restore
the attitude must be that of restoration not decimation the false teacher is not a part of the
flock and has no interest in becoming one and is set to devour it this merit's a harsh
response as Paul teaches the fellow Believers should be approached with the instructions of Galatians 6 1-4 I'll
read this to you Brethren if a man be overtaken in a fault ye which are spiritual restore
such a one in the spirit of meekness this doesn't mean you're busting down the door like the Bible SWAT
coming in through the walls busting down the roof tear gas
the church started in Acts 2 get him
meekness that's strength held in reserve that's a quiet
little text message little phone call hey can we get together I just want to talk to you about some things
this is so so different than how dare you you know you understand
you know how fragile young believers are would would you treat a baby with that
kind of intensity no we're Remy's on puree food right now
that is even putting the little spoon in her mouth you got to be careful because you could she's you know moving
around like this and hit a gum and boy the the alarm goes off you know
you got to be careful you got to be patient food's gonna end up behind her ear on the blanket halfway across the
room it's a learning process well somehow we think like oh you know Believers that don't get it right get
them out of here really that's not the right attitude sadly I see many pastors unwilling to
obey this instruction they want to build up an army that follows them and are set to destroy anyone who doesn't look like
them talk like them or live like them this is wrong and it causes deep wounds
that infect over time these men cause divisions in the church and do not promote Unity instead of
tearing down fellow believers who are falling into false teaching why not warn them and educate them of the truth found
in God's word what is the benefit of shaming them and then making them public examples this kind of treatment is only
for those who do not change their minds and get on board with the Bible with what the Bible teaches there is much
more to discuss on that topic which would not be appropriate for our study today it's not calloused or hateful to speak
out against teachers and teach that teach doctrines against the Bible the church is instructed to do so
how these things are done should always reflect the love of God which is surrounded around the concept of
forgiveness and regeneration found only in a sinner's trust in Jesus Christ's
payment for their sins these false teachers have the same offering for their sins available as
those who have already believed on Jesus like you and me whether or not they believe is up to
them and they will give an answer for themselves without excuse if they do not change their mind and believe
it will be a terrible day for them as they stand before God at the great white Throne judgment the church should pray
for these false teachers to biblically repent which is to change their mind and
put their trust in Jesus Christ for eternal life however they are not to be welcomed into our pulpits supported in
their digital Communications are called Equals by other pastors rightly divide
the word and Mark those who do not this is important
and I want you to see this is the nature in which we make those decisions it's not because I'm jealous of another
person's success I want the gospel to be made known so that everybody can hear it and believe and if there's somebody who
stands in the way of that they're not standing in the way of me they're standing in the way of God in his word
and I'm not going to say yeah we're the same just difference of opinion because that's not it
what's the gospel message look up here and I'll illustrate it for you how can you know you're going to heaven when you die this hand represents you me and
everybody in the whole world my wallet will represent sin I'm going to put this on top of my hand because the Bible says
for all of sin and comes short of the glory of God the standard to get to heaven the expectation that you have to meet is
total righteousness even if you promised today that never sin again and you were able to do it which hint hint you can't
you'd still have Sin from last yesterday that you'd have to pay for from early today and the wages of sin is death
Eternal separation from God forever in a place called hell now God loves us he hates our sin because our sin does
separate us from him but he's also very clear that the wages of sin is death it's not good works it's not going to
church starting something praying a prayer making a commitment turning from something those are all good works but
they're not going to be able to pay off your sin without the shedding of blood there is no remission somebody's got to die for
this God loved you so much that he sent his only begotten son Jesus Christ of which I'll let this hand for this
illustration represent Jesus and he told Nicodemus in the garden what
God had demonstrated to us for God so loved the world that's you and me that he gave his only begotten son that's
Jesus Christ that whosoever anybody whosoever believeth in him or trust in
him should not perish but have everlasting life what does it mean to believe on Jesus Christ to believe means
to trust to rely upon Jesus Christ what does that mean that what he did on the cross his death is burial in his
resurrection it paid for your sin the moment that you do that that sin which was already paid for has now been put to
your account that that payment for sin has been put to your account and now when God looks at you as Romans 5 1 says
we have peace with God we're Justified now as second Corinthians 5 21 says we have the righteousness of God now and
you've got it forever because it's eternal life that's the Salvation message that people need to hear and
when somebody tries to do this work it off and trust in Jesus that's a message
it doesn't say if someone tries to say believe and then you'll have good works and that's proof
of your genuine Faith Trent's doing an excellent job in Sunday School going through that which shipwrecks people it destroys
people that's not a saving message what's a saving message trust in Jesus Christ
and you'll know that you have eternal life I don't feel like it doesn't change the facts I don't feel like I have eternal life anymore it doesn't change
what God has already done don't we serve a wonderful loving merciful kind God
salvation is available to everybody you're here tonight and you're saved you could go out and do horrible things
of which no one in in this ministry advises you to do but God has covered that sin a hundred percent we should be
talking about this as often as we can don't take it for granted there are
people that are trapped in a workspace system they whip themselves they harm others they do all this all these things
that will not get them to heaven we have the most valuable treasure here in these Earthen vessels
we should speak it out and those who don't have the right message
we got a mark in avoid them let's go to the Lord in prayer shall we heads are about nice or close please
nobody's looking around if you're here tonight and that message of the Gospel makes sense for the first time I want to
encourage you right where you are to put your trust in Jesus Christ I don't I might not know you you probably don't
know me outside of what you just heard me talk about tonight but I want you to know that God loves you very much he sent his son Jesus to
die in your place and if you walked in here today thinking that you had to do a pattern of Good Works to get to heaven I want you to
understand there's no amount of good works I could ever save you that's why Jesus died and rose again to pay for
your sin right where you're sitting would you put your trust in him
no emotions no calling you down no anything like that just right there you
and God believe on his son Jesus Christ that what he did on the cross paid for your
sin if that made sense to you tonight you say Pastor I know I'm going to heaven now I put my trust in Jesus Christ would you
pray for me I certainly would would you raise your hand and let me know raising your hand doesn't save you it just lets
me know that you got saved tonight you put your trust in Jesus and I do want to pray for you because
you're God's child now anyone before we close I know that there may be an entire
halfway house listening tonight and I pray that if you are sitting and listening to this
no good works can save you you just need to put your trust in Jesus if that makes sense would you reach out
would you let us know so we can pray for you father thank you for your word which is
so clear and ultimately motivated by love we pray for those in our communities that are teaching false
Doctrine and they know it pray Lord that they would be convinced of their error and that they would put their trust in
Jesus Christ but Lord we know a lot of those false teachers end and we need to protect the
church I pray that we would be strengthened as we carry out your will
in Jesus name we pray these things amen
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