Moments When Prey Escaped Predators Marvelously

1 year ago

Moments When Prey Escaped Predators Marvelously
For some reason, people love to watch predators hunt their prey, but when their prey gets away, they also like cheering for the underdog. I guess it’s human nature. Have you ever seen a wildebeest escape the grip of a crocodile? What about a baboon retaliating when attacked by a leopard? If you want to cheer for the underdog, it’s time, as we countdown 15 times prey escaped predators marvelously.

Antelope Escapes From Lion

Antelopes are extremely fast. They’re so fast this lion zooms by and misses it, the same way you and I missed it. Watch how quietly this lioness approaches this herd of gazelles. It sneaks up on them and gently crouches so it doesn’t alarm the herd. It watches every move the gazelles make attentively, planning its attack. As it continues the approach, the gazelles have no clue what’s going on. Suddenly one of the gazelles approaches the feline to see what’s going on and that’s when the big cat lunges towards the small creature, but it’s much too slow and the gazelle has time to sprint out of danger in seconds. In this video, you can see this gazelle jump many feet into the air to avoid being caught by the lioness. That’s one hell of a jump and it allows the gazelle to run free for another day. Finally, it looks like these younger cheetahs will have to do better if they’re going to eat anytime soon. Their little ballet moves and prancing around will not cut it in the bush and that’s exactly why their prey gets away.

Bushbuck Escape

Whenever an animal decides to have a drink of water in the bush, anything can happen. There is always a chance of a crocodile jumping out of the water when it is least expected. Just imagine how scary it must be when you know you can get your head chopped off every time you are thirsty. This bushbuck is aware of that, but it doesn’t stop it from drinking, because that’s what being thirsty does to you. It forces you to drink and this bushbuck is extremely lucky when this crocodile pops out of the water to crush it. It avoids the worst and is able to back off just in time. Of course, luck is a factor, but if it weren’t for the bushbuck’s fast reflexes, it would have been minced meat by now. Tourists on a safari spent the morning pursuing a pride of lions and were rewarded with this rare sighting! They were originally stalking a small herd of kudu, but a bushbuck stepped between them and diverted their attention. The bushbuck opted to rush straight through the heart of the pride out of all the possible directions it could have gone, but it ran through there with blinding speed, and all the lions could do was feel the breeze as it flew by them.

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