About elections, humans, power .....

1 year ago

And maybe one thing that can help people understand what's really going on is that, you know, people freak out because that that they have been, I mean all of us, we have been led to believe that our, our governments care for our best interests, that they are here to help us. What we have to understand, we have to look at history. And what helped me a lot and that's why I want to share quickly, is that when you look at history, and I'm especially in Europe, that was very clear.

For hundreds of years you had these, you know, Royals who lived in luxurious castles. They ruled out in the open publicly over all the all the rest of the people, the peasants. And they had to work hard on the land to survive, and most of what they produced on the land had to be brought to the landlords.

So historically, a very tyrannical form of government was publicly, you know what was out in the open. And that has been exposed or shown illustrated very well by Mel Gibson in his movie Braveheart where this tyrant in his castle he abuses everyone and so.

But what people have to understand is that when the number of people were so big were exponentially growing, it threatened the power of the small number of rulers. So they invented the principle, the idea of elections, to basically put the people asleep and say we are handing over our power into your hands now, and now you can decide who will rule you.

And by doing that the people thought that they were now in control and they had the power. While in reality these tyrants naturally never surrendered their power over humanity. They only moved to the backstage so they could operate out of the picture, you know, in the shadows. While historically for centuries they operated publicly, everybody knew that they were being suppressed and ruled by tyrants.

When the people grew too big, they moved backstage, created the illusion of democracy, but they kept controlling who was put in the seats of power through those, yeah, manipulated elections. And so that's basically the explanation why people have, you know, our government is not evil.

Are they? Well, you have to understand that essentially nothing has changed in history because the same rulers are still there. It's the same families. They go back hundreds of years. You have the Habsburgs in Europe, you have the Windsor House. You know, all these royal families are still there, but now they're operating behind the scenes so that nobody would revolt against them.

That each and every one of us has their own individual sovereignty. That does not have anything to do with national sovereignties. Each and every one of us. We have powers that most of us don't even realize. I don't. But I believe that those people who explained this to me are absolutely right.

And you know what is very important for people to understand. And that was also a major paradigm shift for me when I learned this for the first time. Is that you know, we are born and we are raised in a certain way and we are indoctrinated and programmed to blindly submit, blindly trust, blindly hand over everything we are, everything we have to governments.

And what basically we need needs to happen is that the people, like the Maori Indians, that the people understand this Earth has been given to all of us. This Earth, you know, every human being who is born is equal. We are here to help one another, to make this into a paradise.

And that is one of the amazing things that was outlined in a beautiful way by Călin Georgescu in yeah, the interview with you (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctwNUYShvL0). The Secrets of UN, where he says our creator God has given us everything we need to live in abundance. But you have this small group of people who historically have always robbed everyone. And the World Economic Forum and the billionaires have been going into the nations stealing their resources and leaving the indigenous people behind in poverty.

And so I believe that once this realization spreads all over humanity where people understand, you know, we are here to share with each other, we are here to help one another. Then there is no reason for all this misery and wars and poverty and conflicts because they are essentially artificially created to keep humanity as a whole in weakness and poverty and constantly empower those who are in in control behind the scenes.

You know, the World Economic Forum, these elites, they want to make everything increasingly artificial. Everything. In the mad first, people can even get a baby, and when they're tired of it, they can abandon it. That's how sick these people are. You know, they want to lock up people in smart cities. They want to make everybody cyborg. They want to completely disconnect us from nature, from God, from everything that is life giving, and lock us up in artificial. Everything.

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