15 Fearless Moments Of Wild Animals Approaching Herds!!

1 year ago

15 Fearless Moments Of Wild Animals Approaching Herds!!
Predators usually hunt for food where they know it will be plentiful. So, when they see a herd of Buffalo or of wildebeest, they usually target one of the animals. Sometimes it goes as planned and other times, it doesn’t. If you want to see how things play out, keep watching as we count down 15 fearless moments of wild animals approaching herds.

Lion Vs Wildebeest

Wildebeest are the prey of choice for many predators in the African savannah. Their meat is tender, and they are high in numbers, so the odds of catching a wildebeest are exceptionally good. When the great migration of the wildebeest begins, most predators are on their high horses because they know it will be an all-you-can-eat-buffet for weeks to come. This lioness was stalking a herd of wildebeest and zebras when she came upon a lone wildebeest that was utterly unaware of the danger and ended up becoming an easy meal for the lone predator. When preys are unaware of what is going on, it makes things much easier for the predator, which is why ambushing them is one of the most effective methods big cats can use.

In the next video, the lionesses of the Salt Lick Pride went on a feeding frenzy among the moving herds, using the long blades of Red Oat grass to ambush their prey. You can see how easily they get to the wildebeest because of the tall grass which provides amazing camouflage. Finally, as the wildebeest run full speed ahead, a few lions watch with their mouths drooling, but one male lion doesn’t wait one second to jump in the mix and tackle one of the running wildebeest, making the other felines react as well with them getting a piece of the action too.

Crocodile Vs Zebra

Zebras must often cross rivers infested with crocodiles, and it doesn’t always go well. In this video, a defenseless zebra struggles to cross the perilous Mara River, when ravenous crocodiles swarm and devour it, right there in the water. There is no means of escape for the zebra and unfortunately, out of all the zebras crossing the river, he was the unlucky one the crocodiles were able to snatch. You can see how tough it is for these zebras to cross the river in this video. The river current is strong, and they must also be concerned about the crocodiles. This young foal is transported by the current and ends up somewhere else, yet it still manages to climb to the other side, while being pursued by a crocodile.

Because she can't find it anywhere, one mother calls out her baby. This other baby climbs on top of a crocodile without even realizing it, and the crocodile is powerless to stop him. Watch this crocodile wait for the right opportunity as these zebras try to make it to the other side. The zebras see the crocodile and know they’re in danger of being swallowed, but they must still cross the river. The crocodile ends up with a gazelle in its mouth instead, so the others are safe for the time being until other crocodiles position themselves. Finally, this crocodile has a grip on this large zebra in the middle of the water and the zebra desperately tries to free itself. After a few attempts, the zebra manages to free itself and run away leaving the crocodile bewildered. That was one lucky zebra.

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