Eric Berg

1 year ago

Dr Eric Berg
Vitamin D helps:
-circadian rhythm
-sleep center
[suprachiasmatic nucleus]
-sleep apnea
-high cortisol
-Alzheimer's, Parkinson's
-seasonal affective disorder

if D deficient
-dry, brittle, fewer in number
-hair loss during stress
-or during menopause
scalp and skin
-psoriasis, eczema
D can reduce inflammation
-vitligo & melanoma

-deficiency can cause stuffy nose
D protects against viruses
[critical to breathe through nose]
Thymus gland
-trains T cells
-as age, it shrinks
Vitamin D helps thymus gland
maintain your immune system
[it is full of D receptors]
-controls cytokines
-protects from over reaction


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