History Tower of Babel. Judaism 9.

1 year ago

Tower of Babel

In the beginning, one language was spoken all over the land, then it happened that they traveled towards the east, then they reached a plain and settled there.

They said to each other, let us make antimons and harden them in the fire.

Thus shall we make our name lest we be scattered upon the earth.

They built with mortar instead of stone and brick and lime, thus they started building the city and minaret.

God came down to see the work of these people and said that they are all one people and they all have one language.

There is no limit to what they can do. So let us dispute their language,

So that they cannot understand each other's language.
So God scattered them from there over all the land, they stopped building the city.
The name of this city was Babylon because God had divided the language there.

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