Byrne 3/23/22: Mesa Cy hard drives imaged by undercover and he filmed Dominion deleting the files

1 year ago

***SECOND EDIT I was inaccurate below. I've now read the 3 reports, what was swapped in Mesa were the INDIVIDUAL BALLOT RECORDS in the batch CVRs (not be confused with the Auditmark single vote cast record). The CVR records each ballot in a given batch on its own row, there'll be on average 100 ballots in Mesa, so 100 rows, and each row lists the precinct, tabulator, TIME SCANNED and individual votes on a ballot. 26k rows in the CVRs were deleted and of them 21k were copied into the replacement database (replacement CVRs). The other 5 or 6k ballots' records are just gone. In total there were something like 30k ballots that had been run at the time.

So the Cast Vote Records of ~5800 ballots were deleted (not copied into the new database/set of CVRs), BUT THE VOTES THEMSELVES ON THOSE BALLOTS WERE STILL COUNTED, the votes on the ballots were NOT removed, but the data on those ballots WAS, MAKING THEM UNAUDITABLE. These were probably invalid ballots that were counted, and their images are still there ostensibly, but trashing their records "orphans" them so they won't be found in an audit, see ***

The guy who made the forensic images of the Mesa County hard drives before Dominion did their "Trusted Build" (deleted the database) was an investigator Byrne says went undercover, got hired by Mesa Cy and filmed Dominion making the deletions.

These hard drive images are critical, they're the only thing we have that shows exactly what Dominion's system does. The Trusted Builds were done all over the country in hundreds of places. O'Donnell new work on Frankspeech the Mesa pattern shows the votes being counted everywhere in a consistent pattern i.e. by machine algorithm. Dr. Daugherty found all 3 major vendors do the Mesa pattern what Draza Smith called cruise control/PID Controller. The reason they all do it is they all use the same underlying software G.E.M.S. /Smartmatic.

Byrne's probably right about 26k ballots being injected but he's off on the report findings. 26k voter profiles were gone after they wiped and replaced the database, and IIRC 21k of them had been replaced. O'Donnell's take was they deleted the profiles because they were fake, so they didn't get caught voting phantom ballots. Dr. Frank thought they deleted real profiles so they could use them again later to cast another 26k ballots. There are some O'Donnell videos on my channel on this and my bitchute. Very hard to understand that guy. But they didn't delete 26k ballots, they deleted the voter profiles - Dominion deleted the entire database, put in a new one and 26k voters from the actual election DB weren't there. Reports at Frankspeech and The one Byrne talks about:

Big thing here like with the Ruby Freeman vid is behind the scenes there's a case being built and a lot of it isn't public yet. Mike Lindell's Election Crime Bureau Weekend coming this summer, he says there's a reason he's doing it this year not earlier and he'll announce it at the event.

#patrickbyrne #jenagriswold #electioncrimebureau

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