Article Video - Change Your Art Project - Wednesday, June 7, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - Change Your Art Project - Wednesday, June 7, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

I know a young woman who is like the archetype of the now-grown teenager gone wrong. She has made every mistake and suffered every misfortune a young person might make.

She got married young, straight out of High School, and settled down to have three children in rapid succession. The first ten years were tough, but unremarkable, except for the fact that this particular young woman never passed her driver's test and was dependent on public transit or rides from other people to get around.

Then, her husband started having seizures and injured his back during one of these mysterious episodes. He was unable to continue working, couldn't drive, and now she had to put up with both his seizures and his episodes of frustrated rage. And three small children, the youngest still wearing diapers.

One night, in a fit of pain and rage over his own condition, her husband threw her to the floor and she fractured a vertebra, so now, she was injured, too, and in constant back pain that won't let her sit or stand in any one position for long.

And, taking care of him and three small children.

She finally divorced him, but aside from the burdens of his care, her life did not improve. It got worse. With no child care available in the community or from relatives, she couldn't work away from home.

She tried a variety of jobs that offered a small income doing things like typing and medical billing from home, but her own injuries and the constant interruptions of three rambunctious children made it very difficult. And long stints sitting in a chair at a keyboard made her back injury worse.

Her doctor gave her more painkillers.

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