Diehold Foundation - Series 4, Part 6I, Hapgoods book and Crustal Displacement Failed Theory

1 year ago

Diehold Foundation
June 7, 2023
Series 4, Part 6I, Hapgoods book and Crustal Displacement Failed Theory

Videos 4, Part 6I, Hapgood’s Research on the Ice age causes. CIA early research on the subject.

Any questions send to info@dieholdfoundation.com.

Video Series 1 The Theory of Multidimensional Reality.
Part 1: The two different ways to describe the Universe:

• Series 1, Part 1,... .
Part 2: Defining the Problem. How I found the Clock Cycle in the Universe;

• Series 1, Part 2;... .
Part 3: Creation of the Atom and Defining Dimensions;

• Series 1, Part 3.... .
Part 4: Dimensions 5-8. What is Gravity;

• Series 1, Part 4,... .
Part 5: What is Light;

• Series 1, Part 5,... .
Part 6: The Subatomic “Particles” and what they Really are;

• Series 1, Part 6,... .
Part 7: Where Quasars get their energy;

• Quasars, Black Ho... .
Part 8: The Crisis in Physics;

• Series1, Part 8, ... .
Part 9: No Black Holes;

• Series 1, Part 9,... .
Part 10: The Electrons in the Electric Universe:

• Video series 1 Pa...
Part 11: How Time Travel is Done:

• Video Series 1, P...
Part 12A: Why was our Universe Created:

• Video Series 1, P...
Part 12B Why was our Universe Crated:

• Video Series 1, P...

Video Series 2. Creation of the Hebrew Alphabet.
Part 1: The creation model of the Hebrew Alphabet;

• Series 2, Part 1,... .
Part 2: The science philosophy behind the Hebrew Alphabet;

• Series 2, Part 2,... .
Part 3: The Three Shapes the Letters Form;

• Series 2, Part 3,... .
Part 4: Dating the Torah and the Technology;

• Series 2, Part 4,... .

Video Series 3. Gravity & time experiments.
Part 1: Field Experiment at Oregon Vortex, Santa Cruz Mystery Spot;

• Series 3, Gravita... .

Video Series 4. Causes of the Ice Ages & Polar Reversals.
Part 1: Clock cycles that cause the reversals;

• Series 4, Introdu... .
Part 2: Proof Sun novas;

• Series 4, Part 2,... .
Part 2B: Proof all stars Nova;

• Series 4, Part 2B... .
Part 3: The great flood;

• Series 4, Part 3,... .
Part 4A: Sea level changes;

• Series 4, Part 4A... .
Part 4B: Meteors do not cause extinctions;

• Series 4, Part 4B... .
Part 4C/E: 14C dating Issues;

• Series 4, Part 4E... .
Part 4D: Greenland crater;

• Series 4, Part 4D... .
Part 4F: Earth’s rotation reverses during polar reversal;

• Series 4, Part 4F... .
Part 4G: Mechanism that creates the Earth’s magnetic field & rotation?;

• Series 4, Part 4G... .
Part 4J: Earth Rotation stops:

• Series 4, Part 4J...
Part 5A: Ways to survive the reversal;

• Series 4, Part 5A... .
Part 5B: The easy way to survive;

• Series 4, Part 5B... .
Part 5C: Most coded secret in the Torah;

• Series 4, Part 5C... .
Part 5D: Which side of the Earth gets the Nova:

• Series 4, Part 5D...
Part 5E: Which side of the Earth gets the Nova:

• Series 4, Part 5E...
Part 5F: Q&A from viewers:

• Series 4, Part 5F...
Part 5G: Governments reaction to the Reversal & nova:

• Series 4, Part 5G...
Part 5H: Governments Cave building mistake:

• Series 4, Part 5H...
Part 5i: Losing the Republic & Cults:

• Series 4, Part 5i...
Part 5J: DoD & DARPAs Actions to Deal with the Ice Age:

• Video Series 4, P...
Part 6: Saving People’s Lives from the Reversal:

• Series 4, Part 6,...
Part 6B: What happens before during and after the reversal:

• Series 4, Part 6B...
Part 6C: Suns output & building the survival door.:

• Series 4, Part 6C...
Part 6D: Possibility of more Carrington events:

• Video Series 4, P...
Part 6E: Senate Bill 4488, saving the Electrical Grid:

• Video Series 4, P...
Part 6F: Amendments to S 4488 and what it means:

• Series 4, Part 6F...
Part 6G: Government Looking for new cave locations:

• Series 4, Part 6G...
Part 6H: SB 4488 and Senators Invited:

• Attention: Statue...
Part 6I: Hapgood’s book on Crustal Displacement:

• Series 4, Part 6I...

Video Series 6. Moses 10 Code Systems:
Part 1: Code systems 1-7;

• Series 6 Part 1, ... .
Part 2: Code systems 8-10, 12,068 Embedded in the Torah;

• Series 6 part 2, ... .

Video Series 7. God’s Code System:
Part 1: God’s 11th code system;

• Series 7 part 1, ... .
Part 2: 12,068 day cycles:

• Series 7, Part 2,... .

Video Series 10. The Exodus and Finding the Real Mount Sinai: Part 1: the Pharaoh;

• Series 10, Part 1... .
Part 2: Moses & the cave;

• Series 10, Part 2... .
Part 3: The Altars;

• Series 10, Part 3... .
Part 4: The Ark:

• Series 10, Part 4... .
Part 5: After Mount Sinai;

• Series 10, Part 5... .
Part 6: The missing 12 tribes:

• Series 10, Part 6... .

Video Series 12. How & who Changed the Science:
Part 1: How & Who;

• Series 12, Part 1... .
Part 2: Why the Piso’s did it;

• Series 12, Part 2... .

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