The Best of Bolshoi Ballet - Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, 1956

1 year ago

A 1957 Film of recorded live performance of the best of the Bolshoi Ballet's first ever visit to London on its 1956 tour.

Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden and Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra/Yuri Faier (Rachmaninov, Glinka, Gounod, Saint-Sa‘ns and Adam) and Gennady Rozhdestvensky (Asafiev and Tchaikovsky)

- Boris ASAFIEV (1884-1949)
Dance of the Tartars (from The Fountain of Bakhchisaray) (1934)
- Piotr Il'ič TCHAIKOVSKY (1840-1893)
Spanish Dance (from Swan Lake) (1877)
- Sergei RACHMANINOV (1873-1943)
Spring Waters (from the song, op.14) (1896)
- Mikhail GLINKA (1804-1857)
Polonaise and Cracovienne (from A Life for the Tsar) (1836)
- Charles GOUNOD (1818-1893)
Walpurgisnacht (from Faust) (1859)
- Camille SAINT-SAèNS (1835-1921)
The Dying Swan (from The Carnival of the Animals) (1886)

- Adolphe ADAM (1803-1856)
Giselle - A ballet in two acts (1844)

Galina Ulanova as Giselle
Nikolai Fadeyechev as Albrecht
Taisia Monakhova as Berthe
Alexander Radunsky as The Duke of Courland
Irina Makedonskaya as Bathilde
Vladimir Levashev as Hilarion
Rimma Karelskaya as Myrtha

Choreography by Leonid Lavrovsky

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