Don't Open the Door or You'll be Walter Scotted

1 year ago

Today, it was on full display our local county commissioner showing their good old boys attitude by shooting the shit, checking watches and cell phones in which one may think that talking point are being shared.

Guest speakers, YourthatGuy welcome our new spokeperson "Mr. Sock Puppet", they were asking and sharing their thoughts about if one of the county commissioner is getting closer/over to the target.

Everyone will agree that today Onslow County Commissioner Meeting, "WoW", What a Joke!" Reminds of the "View"

Bold statement from County Commissioner requesting to be sworn in before his defense testimony. County personnel refuses to swear in County Commissioner Walter Scott before his repute to the "Allegations for Censure".

During questioning, Commissioner Scott directed a single question to Onslow County County Manager, some time ago while meeting in the Onslow County Lawyer office, he stated that Ms. Griffen also came in and Commissioner Walter asked this question: Was the amount of money embezzled for the four (4) factitious rescue squads, and you (County Manager) stated and I quote, “The amount was a minute of what he brought in for grant funding”...even today I, Commissioner Scott haven't recieved an answer.

So when I (Walter Scott) sit here and talked to you about TWENTY MILLION dollars, are you admitting because I never said to you an amount? County managers Response “So the timing of that meeting well proceeded you calling all the commissioners and asking where the TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS is. I'll ask again, Where is the 20 Million from the School Projects.

Wait a minute, did they censure Walter to keep his mouth shut? Our most concerning question and we know that we shared the same concerns as our viewers "Where is the 20 Million Dollars?" Why was that question diverted from being answer, "Squirrel" County Manager still owes us an answer, we know it not in conjunction to the county being sixty six (66) million dollars in debt.

Has Walter got over/close to the target? Reason for Commissioner Walter Scott censured? Asking too many questions, accountability of services or county money or better understanding of county personnel duties? Who knows but prep yourself Onslow County, I don’t think this is over. Check it out for yourself, click on this link ONSLOW COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS’ MEETING

One other question you have to ask yourself is, Why wasn’t the Censure Vote spelled out on the posted agenda, people should have known the intent from the Board actions prior to the Censuring the Peoples Commissioner Walter Scott or could that schedule this meeting for the evening hours so more people could attend to support him. Which of the short guys ran to the news media as quick as they could to make a statement…tweet, tweet.


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