Sirian Archangelic League of the Light.

1 year ago

Ninth Ray of Highest Potentials
Ray Master: Chohan Mother Mary, Overlighted by Lord Goyana, and the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light.
Qualities: Unity, justice, peace, order, wisdom, creativity, joy, mercy, unconditional Love, splendor, compassion and Divine guidance.
Color: Blue-green.
Chakra Center: Heart
This ray shows a deeper integration of your Sacred Contract, your Soul Purpose, and moving more into the illumination of the Higher Mind. It shows both the mental and emotional maturity of a person who has passed through strife and struggle to obtain the Divine Wisdom of God. The increased Light frequencies within the body are connecting you in mercy, justice and compassion to the realms of Illumined Truth, and it is through your Life experiences, studies and creative endeavors that you come into your Highest Potential. You have a Divine loving nature, and others trust you through your gift in seeing their Light. You are generally in Service in some way or another, and have the ability to guide others to their Highest Potential. It may also show a person who is connecting more to their Highest Light to bring through structures and organizations based on Unity Consciousness, or setting off on a new path of creative endeavors. The energy of this ray may also connect you to the highest levels of initiation experienced in ancient Egypt and Atlantis. You are the student as well as the Master.
Tenth Ray of Divinity
Ray Master: Chohan Allah Gobi, Overlighted by Lord Huertal, and the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light.
Qualities: Balance and equilibrium, justice, Love, power, infinite wisdom, detachment, attainment, responsibility, Mastery, and transcendence.
Color: Pearlescent.
Chakra Center: Throat
This ray shows a person who may be undergoing a deeper integration of their Godself, their Higher Light, and an expansion of Light at a cellular level, awakening the dormant DNA and appropriate multidimensional memories within the body and energy field. The balance here is between Power, Love and Wisdom, and thus you may go through initiations at this level related to the dualities of these qualities, so you may transcend any negative beliefs needed to be cleared from within the body, and energy field, as well as truly come into acceptance of Self. You have a sense of emotional detachment and Higher Mind Wisdom and Knowingness, and the ability to touch others deeply through your Truth. You are able to take on more responsibly in your Service role at this time. The tenth ray of Divinity may also show a person who needs to experience and express their Truth, without compromising on their Spiritual values.
Eleventh Ray of Illumined Truth
Ray Master: Chohan Quan Yin Overlighted by Lord Semveta, and the Brotherhood of the Light.
Qualities: Understanding, strength, stability, loving kindness, wisdom, generosity, abundance, compassion, equilibrium and balance, organization, and discernment.
Color: Pink-Orange.
Chakra Center: Third eye.
In choosing this ray, you may be experiencing increased levels of Spiritual integration through stability and balance, and the lifting of further veils of illusion. Old stresses have been released, and new structures are rebirthed through Higher Mind teachings and the Love-Wisdom of Mother/Father God, represented in this ray through Quan Yin. Thus we see a person, who has the ability to not only unveil but to integrate the secrets of hidden knowledge and bring them into form through the Divine Mother archetype of the Golden Age of Light. This person may also have the gift of healing, and work within this arena. This ray may also show a person who needs to release the stresses from within the body, and work with this beautiful pink-orange flame for cellular regeneration and to rebirth the body to a new level of vitality and good health. If you have good ideas but are unable to manifest them in form, this ray will assist in bringing increased discernment, abundance, strength, wisdom, insight and organizational skills. This ray further assists in connecting you to the realms of Illumined Truth through sincerity in action and the utterance of one’s Spiritual reality.

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