Lao Banzhang talks about Brother Seven and Yvette Wang in the court

1 year ago

06/06/2023 Lao Banzhang talks about the moving scene when fellow fighters saw Brother Seven and Yvette Wang. Brother Seven seems a little thinner than before, but still looks energetic and was in good spirits. His eyes are bright and sharp. He kept looking around the courtroom and made sure to have eye contact with each fellow fighter. Yvette Wang is also in good state, and is truly the Iron Woman in our eyes. He adds that the hearing today is only a normal process, and we are not surprised at the result. #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
06/06/2023 老班长讲述战友们在法庭见到七哥和王雁平的感人场景。七哥看起来比以前消瘦了一些,但是精神状态很好。他的眼睛明亮而有神。他不停地环顾法庭,与每一个战友眼神交流。王雁平精神状态也非常好,的确是战友们眼中的钢铁女战士。他补充说,今天的听证只是正常程序,我们并不对结果感到意外。 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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