The 2,000 Year Search for the Source of the Nile River

1 year ago

The Nile River. Possibly the longest river in the world, but certainly the most storied in history. Without the Nile, the civilizaiton of Ancient Egypt would have never existed. To the Ancient Greeks and Romans the source of the Nile was a question that vexxed them for centuries. This quest to find the source of the river would be the longest running question in geographic history. And its answer wouldn't come until only 160 years ago.

👉0:00 Introduction, Titles
👉1:40 Overview of the Nile River
👉3:04 The Nile Delta
👉3:47 The Nile in Egypt
👉4:27 The Nile in Sudan, Blue and White Niles
👉4:57 The Blue Nile in Ethiopia
👉5:34 The While Nile, The Sudd
👉6:14 Lake Victoria, Uganda, The Source of the Nile
👉7:02 The Search for the Source of the Nile
👉7:26 Ancient Egypt and the Nile
👉8:22 The Nile in the Bible
👉8:43 Ancient Nubia and the Nile
👉9:13 The Romans and the Nile, 66AD Expedition
👉10:29 The "Mountains of the Moon"
👉11:20 British Discovery of the Source of the Nile
👉12:52 Aswan Dam, Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam
👉14:58 Outro and Credits

The Nile river begins with the Nile Delta at the Mediterranean Sea, and runs south through Egypt, with Cairo the capital on the river's banks. At Aswan, a dam has been constructed that regulates the flooding of the Nile downstream and providing electricity. Continuing, the Nile in Sudan forms the longest sections of the river, with the confluence of the Blue Nile and While Nile at the capital Khartoum.

The Blue Nile rises into the highlands of Ethiopia, with its source at Lake Tana. The summer peak rains in Ethiopia are what drive the yearly flooding of the Nile that so puzzled the ancients of the Mediterranean, accustomed to peak rains in winter. The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is currently being filled on the Blue Nile, and has caused tensions and dispute between Ethiopia and Egypt, the latter who feels their critical water supply is threatened by the project.

The White Nile continues south until it meets the Sudd, a large swampy land that literally means "barrier", and acted as the barrier to all expeditions from the North, including a Roman expedition in 66AD ordered by the Emperor Nero and documented by the Roman historians Pliny and Seneca.

Beyond the Sudd, the Mountain Nile rises until it reaches Lake Albert in Uganda, and then becomes the Victoria Nile, rising again through a series of rapids including Murchison Falls, until Lake Victoria is reached at Jinja. The second largest freshwater lake in the world, Lake Victoria is fed by many headwaters. But the furthest source is now believed to be the Kagera River in Burundi.


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