Shocking Truth About Sonar s Devastating Impact on Marine Mammals Uncovered - Mass Marine Suicides

1 year ago

Active sonar's powerful high-volume and wide-ranging sound waves are traumatic for marine mammals, and evidence has accumulated for more than a decade that they pose an existential threat to many species. Noise pollution, such as sonar and seismic survey sound pulses, interferes with whales' ability to communicate and navigate, and can force them ashore by deafening, disorienting or frightening them. Deep water species such as beaked whales are extremely vulnerable to sonar, even from great distances. The sequence of beaked whale strandings in Guam, for example, are assumed to be linked to naval sonar activities. The United States Navy is currently violating the terms of its authorisation by operating a certain type of sonar in more than half of the world's oceans. This sonar is harmful to marine mammals such as whales, dolphins, seals and walruses.

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