Oppressed raised up from underfoot. (Isaiah 26:4-6)

1 year ago

How often in life, in the places we can deal with and go through, death valley places, those places where it feels as though we are the ones trampled on and underfoot, when we cry out in need, pour, destitute, broken, will we cry out as victims who have no hope or as victors who trust and know that what our KING got, how much more so will we. (Assuming we are living like HIM and not earing it for being a yutz.) It's not about us. The secular world knows that, what it doesn't know is Who it is about. It's about HIM, and we wonder in awe as to why HE would care for creatures such as us; and that no only does HE, HE listens as thought it were the first time because that is how much HE cares.

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