Club of Rome Roots of the Climate Scam

1 year ago

The Hegelian Dialectic is a social engineering technique that has been used by the ruling class to engineer societies for hundreds of years. It has three steps: First, you create a PROBLEM, or claim that a problem exists, where one actually doesn't. Then, in the second step, you fan the flames of REACTION to this problem by using the sock puppet media outlets and academic institutions that you own and/or control in order to fear-monger and elevate the issue to the point where the public is demanding a solution. In the third step, you offer the public a SOLUTION to the problem--your solution; the one you already cooked-up way before you began this process, and which, if finally implemented, only you or your agenda will benefit from.
So, if you are the elite, and you want to herd your human cattle towards your "global solution," then you need to stoke widespread fear about a global problem, one that will requires your already cooked-up solution (global governance) in order to be solved. It makes no difference whether the problem is real or imagined or manufactured, just so long as your cattle can be made to fear it. That way you can use their fear (the greatest motivator of all) to herd them towards your slaughterhouse, which in this case will be a greatly depopulated world of people living as serfs [if at all] in a Neo-feudalistic global society that will be marked by widespread austerity and human misery. Meanwhile, the world's elite and their agents will be living like Kings in their high-tech Elysiums far away from the overcrowded mega-cities where the rest of us will be corralled, monitored, and extracted just like livestock animals are.
For more information about the diabolical plans of the unelected elite who have long ruled over humanity, because they control our fraudulent monetary system, and therefore everything else that's important, see the nine important historical documents archived on the Web page linked to below which contains, among other damning evidence against the Thirteen Family's various "round table" groups, a pertinent Club of Rome document entitled "The First Global Revolution," which lays out their plan to create a fake climate crisis in order to establish a global government that will be one day be administered exclusively by of the central banking family's most important creation, the United Nations, which is quite literally, the cornerstone of their New World Order plan to rule the world forever.
Nine Important Documents
Take Action: Help Get Us Out of The U.N.

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