1 year ago

Response comment on Obamaw storing it here dont know where else to store it. I don't know if this is appropriate for here but here goes! OBAMAW BARAQ. Hebrew.

I am an endtime prophet for YHWH JESUS yet dust with His presence cause It is all Him doing everything.

I have been shown Baraq Obamaw too many times in the spirit by Abba JESUS to ignore him.

LITERAL -I was even snuck in the white house president office in the spirit and stood in front of him before the gay marriage law was passed, i watched him with a golden gavel in his hand slammed down on papers, like if he was judge.
he turned and saw me looking at him, and as he did he got angry as and a viper launched out of his face/head at me. Abba Jesus stood in front of him and said you shall not touch her!
I was shown in 2018 December during prophecy to the nations, worship
VISION #1 first I saw a 6 pack of beer on a beach and i was about to rebuke it when the words C O R O N A
was highlighted and jumped out at me. Abba JESUS then showed me something like laringitis on humans and animals and said go warn the world!
VISION #2 Obamaw standing around a flock of sheep with a syringe with pinkish fluid in his hand and i heard
satan is so evil will kill the whole world to get the 144000!
VISION #3 Then i saw a factory with tons of test tubes with different colors packaged and sent out to the nations.

When co ro na hit let's just say vaccination and all we( the small fellowship I got in my prophetic ministry) were expecting it.

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