Newt Gingrich | Fox Business Channel's Kudlow | June 6 2023 #news #politics

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Well, it does work. We had four straight balanced budgets, but we did it exactly like you and I talked about in the seventies and eighties. You cut taxes, you cut regulation, you increase entrepreneurship, you create a new generation of jobs. You have more people at work earning higher salaries and bigger capital gains. And guess what? Government revenue go up not by raising taxes, but by raising prosperity. And if you do that and you reform things like welfare reform, you actually ended up, as we did with four years. And I must say, I've been talking with the Budget Committee and I think the Republicans on the Budget Committee are going to come out with a balanced budget proposal. We started at seven years and actually did it in four. They're going to start at ten. I think they'll get it done in six or seven, particularly if we elect a Republican president and have a very aggressive first quarter 2025 big tax cut, not just renew the old tax cuts. Big tax cut plus big regulatory reform. Really start the entrepreneurial spirit. And I think you could see amazing things happening.


Well, let's let's just start with stopping the crooks. I mean, we had $20 billion, not million, $20 billion stolen from the California unemployment by itself, that one program. Right now, we don't have to put up with that. We should also, in passing, kill the $3.5 billion FBI headquarters, which would be a big building, bigger than the Pentagon.


Yeah, I just looked at a brand new poll from from the Democracy project. And the number one issue is inflation. The number two issue is economy. They're basically the same issue. So the American people want to know, what are you going to do so that I have more take home pay? So the dollar is stabilized. So if I earn a dollar, it's actually worth a dollar. And how are you going to make sure that the money's in my pocket, not in the government's pocket? And I think that the Republican Party should make this a major centerpiece of all of 24, a major centerpiece of the platform and the convention. You may remember that in 84, we won a huge fight over no tax increase. And I think that it was an important step in the right direction. Then we move from there to cutting taxes. And frankly, George H.W. Bush understood it and not cut, raise taxes. I think he would have been reelected by a big margin.


That's right. I mean, Clinton actually had a huge fight in June of 95. And having lost the governorship once and knowing that when you lose, you don’t get anything he said to his staff, if I do what you want and I fight for liberalism, I'm going to get beaten. 96. But if I work with Gingrich, I may get reelected in 96. And it was that straightforward. And then he comes in and says, the era of big government is over. He signs welfare reform. He signs the largest capital gains tax cut in the history, all sorts of reforms. And then we met for 35 days and hammered out a balanced budget.


Yeah, yeah, absolutely is. And it doesn't work, which I was just talking to some people a while ago about every big city in America has got problems. They all follow the same program. You know, too much welfare, very lax law enforcement, too many criminals on the street. Taxes way too high. They drive productive people out. You look at the amount of wealth which has left New York City or left Chicago, which is not their paying taxes anymore. And it becomes a downward spiral.


I think for one, I think for sure Trump will be for that. And two, I think that it's very unlikely that he'll be at that debate.


Why would you? He's at 53%. Well, why would you do on a stage?


I mean, you know, what? Would you keep a manager who said to you, why don't you take your 53%. Stand next to somebody who's at four and make sure they get plenty of publicity. You know. If Trump doesn't show up, it's not a real debate. And the great challenge for Governor DeSantis, who's been, I think, a very good governor of Florida, done all the right things, creating economic growth, tough on crime, but he hasn't filled the vacuum. And the result is every week there are more candidates. And every time a new candidate announces they get some champagne out at Mar a Lago. Yeah, because Trump would like nothing better than a 15 or 20 candidates. And he's way up here and they're all down here.


And that's what you're going to see when the House Republicans report their budget. They'll have big tax cuts, big regulatory reform and get to a balanced budget.

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