Daily Chess play - 1390 - Knights are still giving me a hard time like in Game 1.

1 year ago

0:00 Game 1:
I get my King into a bad position again. Move 30, Moving my Queen sealed the deal and I resign.

11:11 Game 2:
Move 24, pawn on g5 to attack the King's defense. Move 32, I threaten Rook with pawn on f5 which gains me a Bishop on return. Move 43, I force the Queen trade which leaves me the Bishop advantage plus two pawns. I promote my pawns and checkmate.

25:00 Game 3:
Move 32, Opponent blunders Rook on f1. Move 51, I promote pawn to force Bishop sacrifice on a8. I then proceed to clean up the pawns and checkmate the King.

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