20230607 Wednesday Quick Daily News Headline Analysis 4 Busy People Snark Commentary on Top News

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Quick Daily News Headlines Series. Today's Headline Skim News: {Wednesday: Brother Drowns Trying to Save Brother, 10yr old Spent Night In Wild, Social Media Drinking Death, More Trans Swimming Talk, Congress Talks US Threats, Old Wildfire Story, Sir Miss Respect is Neutral and GREAT!, Canada on Fire Near NYC, Prince Harry No One Cares, Dumb Story Gay or Not, Pence 2024 Bad Timing, Don't Shoot People! Grad or Anywhere, Dumb Airplane Story- China Russa San Fran, Pride Day Is Enough, Pope Surgery, Awkward Baby Names, Police Late on Calls, Arrests Made on Suspicion, Cruise Virus 175 Sick, Better Together Extremist Dems Pounce on Trump Hoping to find stuff, SPLC is on List of Radical Extremist Far Lefties, Alert! Anyone can make a LIST!, Teens are Bad at 7 Eleven, ... and so much more Click Bait!} This presentation of the news headlines moves quickly. What can you determine from the headlines and can you quickly move on with your important day? Can you resist clicking on click-bait headlines and photos? Resist digging into stories about so-called 'Stars' of music, sports, movies. Be in-the-know without being in the mud! Skim headlines and move on. 20 minutes to assess the top news headlines is plenty.

CAUTION: When listening remember: 1. Dry humor and side-remark snark is not intended to hurt your feelings. 2. You can evaluate and care about the plight of others and still move on quickly without guilt. 3. Your best use of time and energy is to keep your own life lovingly and solidly positive.

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