She got up out of Wheelchair! “Mark 2 This DAY!” Multiple layers of prophetic meaning in 1 sentence

1 year ago

Chris Reed releases Prophetic word and healing at MorningStars 11am Sunday Service 6/4/2023. In one prophetic sentence, Chris calls out a person he doesn’t know, and that one sentence had layers of prophetic meaning.

“Mark too, (2) this Day”.

Mark- His legal first name, Mark just finished reading the book of Mark that very day! And He has a son named “Mark”.

In St. Mark chapter 2, it tells the story of the paralytic healed by Jesus.

The man confirmed he lived on Day Road, and on THIS day, a healing would come begin for his wife of her hip, her lower back, knees, bottom of her feet, and her blood sugar. She stood up out of her wheelchair !

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