Bob Weber published a BS story advocating that people are the cause of Global Warming.

1 year ago

It is no longer illegal to publish false news in Canada. That is because the Trudeau Liberals of 2019 changed the law.
HAARP along with geoengineering has caused all manner of problems including the BURNING OF CANADIAN FORESTS AND THOUSANDS OF HOMES.
We all can write our MLA's and MP's demanding that HAARP and Geoengineering be stopped in Canada and notice that failure to do so will allow us to add their names to the charge of TREASON for colluding with an FOREIGN ENTITY that is bent on the destruction of humans.
email addresses are found in each bio. There are over 100 of them.
MLA's can be found by searching
<contact MLA [your province]>
We can change the world - back to what it was and should be before the globalists agenda to depopulate the world.

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