God's decree is forbidden to eat the fruit of the tree.

1 year ago

God's judgment

The woman and the man heard the sound of God walking in the garden.

They both hid in the trees of the garden.

Then the Lord God called Adam, "Where are you?"

He replied I hear your voice in the garden and am scared.

I am naked.

That's why I'm hiding from you.

God asked who persecuted you that you are naked?

Have you eaten the fruit of this tree?

Which fruit was forbidden by Man to eat?

Adam said that the woman you have placed here with me gave me fruit and I ate it.

God asked the woman why did you do this?

The woman said that the snake seduced me.

God said to the woman.

I will extend your fast.

Children will be born with pain and the third attraction will be towards your husband and he will rule over you.

God said to Adam, "Because you listened to the woman and ate from the tree that I forbade you to eat."

Therefore, if the earth does not pray for you, then you will eat from the earth for the rest of your life.

The earth will bring forth thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the greens of the field, for you are made of dust.

Therefore, it will return to dust.

Adam, which means "man, he named his wife Hawar because she is the mother of all mankind."

Then the Lord God said that man became like us in recognizing good and evil.

Therefore, lest he should eat of the tree of life and live forever.

That is why God threw Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden.

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