LIT - Making the Case for Christianity (Episode 7: Faith Doesn't Have to Be Blind)

1 year ago

The core message of Christianity consists of four main points: 1. God loves us and he created us to worship and glorify him. 2. We have failed to worship and obey God. 3. In his death and resurrection, Jesus paid the penalty for our sins and therefore we can be forgiven by God. 4. We each need to make Jesus the Saviour and Lord of our lives.

Christian apologists defend these four points in various ways. One way is that used by Dr. William Lane Craig in which he provides several arguments for the existence of God, and also historical arguments for Jesus' resurrection from the dead. To see more about how Craig defends his arguments, you can check out his debates by searching for him on YouTube.

Worldview Summit Website -
Recommended Apologetics Resources -

Richard Dawkins: What would persuade Dawkins to believe in God? (1:00)

Thomas Nagel: The Last Word, pp. 130 - 131

George Carlin: George Carlin On Religion (15:29 - 15:36)

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