RFK Jr. and the Assassination of Free Speech

1 year ago

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Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been heavily censored on social media, except for, most recently, Twitter. Are these moves by Meta an attempt to meddle in a free and fair election? Although Kennedy is a Democrat, his ideology is far from today’s woke leftism. RFK Jr. advocates questioning mainstream narratives and educating oneself on relevant political topics. He is asking responsible questions that we all should ask and are supposed to have the freedom to ask.

In America, people have the right to speak freely, even if others don’t like what they say. People deserve to be allowed to make up their minds without mainstream media and Big Tech using their power to strongarm the discussion. It’s time to stop assassinating free speech.

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
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