SA AGULHAS II THE ENDURANCE22 EXPEDITION Antarctica Expedition Food Donation To Ladles Of Love

1 year ago

In 2022, The Endurance22 Expedition leader, Dr. John Shears and his team donated their excess food from their Endurace22 Expedition to Ladles of Love.


On 21st November 1915, Shackleton’s Endurance made history when she sank in the Antarctic. 105 years later, The Endurance22 team, travelling in the South African state of the art SA Agulhas II ship, found the Endurance shipwreck in the depth of 3008 metres.

The shipwreck is still protected by the Antarctic Treaty and nothing has been touched or retrieved. The Endurance22 team has high-definition film and pictures of the wreck that had never been seen by anyone until now since the ship sank in the Weddell Sea.

Video by: Tebogo Pin-Pin

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