How to Start Paint Pouring - Start Acrylic Pouring at Home Today! | First Time Acrylic Pour

5 years ago

You don't need any special supplies to start paint pouring. You probably already have all the things you need to do your first acrylic paint pour at home. Join us and grab some basic household items and create an acrylic paint pour today!

Here is a basic list of what you need to get started on your DIY acrylic pour art.

1. Garbage bag -
2. Popsicle sticks or spoons -
3. Small cups -
4. Piece of wood or photo printer paper
5. Craft Paint -
6. Water
7. Glue (School Glue or Glue-All) -

Acrylic Paint Pour Starter Pack -

**Just a note, I used a white pine board not a white oak board.

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