The Atlantic Council Twitter Files

1 year ago

The Atlantic Council Twitter Files
By Terry A. Hurlbut
Yesterday the Twitter influencer Network Affects dropped a short thread on an important subject. The name Atlantic Council might not mean much, though it has existed for 62 years. It exists to further the notion of cooperation between North America on one side and Europe on the other. This Atlanticism is one of several transnational movements that took shape after the Second World War. Now we see another Twitter file, showing how the Atlantic Council lent itself to the furtherance of globalism. As Matt Taibbi also said yesterday, this is about “the absorption of human rights orgs into the military/intelligence space.”
The Atlantic Council – who are they?
The Atlantic Council (official site) began in 1961, largely as an informal networking nexus for like-minded scholars and political leaders. Today they are definitely globalistic in outlook, working almost as hard toward “one world” as the World Economic Forum. And like all other globalists, they regard Russia as an enemy – largely because Russia would never join any one-world arrangement. For that reason, they have taken the side of Ukraine, and want NATO to include Ukraine. (Nor do they ignore China. At time of writing, they feature an article noting a definite sell-off of Chinese government bonds by foreign investors.)
The Digital Forensic Research Laboratory (DFRLab) is an Atlantic Council project. Regular readers will recognize it in this discussion of the Global Engagement Center (GEC). DFRLab is, of course, a known player in the Censorship Industrial Complex, and submitted more than its share of takedown requests to Twitter’s Trust and Safety Team.
But yesterday, “Network Affects” introduced another concept, which he called the “No-Kidding Decision Makers.” Members of this class handed down diktats, and expected people to obey their orders. What they said, went, and they would tolerate neither defiance nor interference from anyone.
The thread
NetworkAffects dropped a short thread – only thirteen tweets. Here are seven of them – the odd numbers:
Many users recognized “the same players from Russiagate,” among others.
One user took some slight satisfaction that “it takes all of that to oppose the will” of lovers of human liberty.
The largest point is that by now, not one user seems inclined to sympathize with, or excuse, the Atlantic Council.
Ronald Reagan once said that if fascism ever came to America, it would come in the guise of liberalism. As a corollary, one-world-ism has come to our world, in the guise of enhanced cooperation. The Atlantic Council is one of the earliest organizations pushing for transnationalism in any form. In fact they predate the World Economic Forum. And as we have seen, they are just as dangerous.
The photographic evidence in this thread makes it difficult to tell whether these “no-kidding decision makers” believed their own swindle (as regards COVID and the vaccines, for example), or simply know how to make people afraid and to seek aid, guidance, and above all, comfort from them. But these are not nice people; that much should be clear to any observer. They didn’t organize to offer comfort, but to engender fear and play upon it to their advantage.
If Internet users learn one thing from this disgraceful period of history, it would be: never to trust a censor. Not when all the players are supposed to be responsible adults. The Atlantic Council and their Digital Forensic Research Laboratory treated us all like children – and unruly children at that. At the most charitable, they did this to protect their own mission and vision for ordered administration of all humankind. Even at that, they took entirely too much on themselves – assuming they actually hadn’t signed on to an agenda of depopulation.
Link to:
The article:

Matt Taibbi’s introductory tweet:

The Atlantic Council home:

The thread:


Declarations of Truth Twitter feed:

Conservative News and Views:

The CNAV Store:

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