Final the Rapture - the Official Movie in Full HD

1 year ago

Hi Everyone,
We filmed 'Final the Rapture' in six countries in 2013. This is the Official Film of 'Final the Rapture' in Full HD.
I've posted this online to win many to Christ in these final days. God bless and don't miss the Rapture - the next great event since the birth of Christ - Tim Chey, Director/Writer
1) The word Rapture is in the Bible (This word was taken from the Greek verb harpazo, meaning, “to seize upon, spoil, snatch away or take to oneself - 1 Thess 4:17)
2) Conservative Bible scholars and pastors like John MacArthur, Billy Graham, Chuck Smith, Kay Arthur, Charles Spurgeon, Tony Evans, Anne Graham Lotz, Greg Laurie, Jon Courson - all believe in the Rapture.
3) The Rapture and Second Coming are two distinct events.
4) If you study the Book of Revelation, the church is completely missing starting from Chapter 4 when the Trumpet and Seal judgments fall on man. Why? They are not on earth.
5) Jesus Himself said, "I will keep you from the time of trouble that will come to the world." Rev 3:10
6) 1 Thess 5:9 is very clear when it says, "For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath." This perfectly explains the Rapture.
7) Matthew 24:40 states: "Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left behind." This clearly means the Rapture - not the Second Coming when "all eyes will be on his return."
8) 1 Thess 5:2 states: "...the Lord will come like a thief in the night." This cannot be referencing the Second Coming, but only the Rapture. The Second Coming will not be a thief in the night as all eyes will be upon Him.
9) The Character of God. God has never destroyed the righteous with the wicked. Ever in Scripture. The Rapture is the only recourse for this. To say elsewise is to defame God's character and you don't want to do that.
10) Finally, the Rapture-deniers keep saying the Rapture is a 'new' doctrine. So was the Protestant Reformation in 1517 by Martin Luther breaking away from the Catholic church a 'new' doctrine. Again, this is 1,517 years after the birth of Christ.

I’m a Christian filmmaker, but as a former atheist I was a Harvard alumnus and an attorney. I went to a conservative Bible college for 2 years. I’ve studied eschatology (end-times theology) for over 22 years.

My wife and I do not watch TV. We are out evangelizing or going to church every night or studying God’s Word.

The Rapture doctrine is TRUE, VERIFIED, and SCRIPTURALLY-CORRECT in every way.

We should all be like the Bereans and be ‘diligent’ - not ‘lazy’ - in our studies of the Word. The Bereans, mentioned in Acts 17, are best known for searching and studying the Bible for themselves and not merely accepting what they were taught. Study this for yourself and let the Holy Spirit be your guide.

Tim Chey Films

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