Tiffany Montgomery on Youtube from Covered by God Using Curse Words and Sexually Explicit Language

1 year ago

Tiffany Montgomery on Youtube from Covered by God Ministry Using Curse Words and Sexually Explicit Language. Now i am not going to call Tiffany Montgomery False prophet. But if she claims to be in the office of a prophet she is called to much higher standards.

I would have let this slide. But she is very hardcore Pentecostal in her ministry. So if you live by the law then you die by the law

Advice to Tiffany:
-I would take the video down (don't know why you put it up in the first place)
-And take a short break from ministry

Advice to Tiffanies fans:
Ask for an apology and the video taken down

I'm not going to act Hollier than thou i might curse when really upset
But cursing on a public ministry live stream?
Cursing and praises should not come out of the same mouth
Leaders are called to higher standards

Tiphani Montgomery Video Link with Curse words:

#tiphanimontgomery #shockingnews #shortsyoutube


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