From male to female.. A trans with huge buyers remorse!😁

1 year ago

Ok.. explanation, like 'she' said you have to dilate regularly to keep it open, the body is treating it as a wound and is trying to heal it shut.. A woman's vagina is a self cleaning organ. A male penis is not.. When they turn the penis inside out to create the mangina the male penis continues to produce knob cheese which as a mangina is not a vagina and therefore not self cleaning you have to douche regularly to prevent it getting bunged up with stale and rotting knob cheese so if you were a man who was a little lazy with your own personal hygiene.. then you are gonna end up with a pretty rancid mangina! Another problem is infections caused by ingrowing hairs.. When they turn your dick inside out any hair that you had growing on the outside is now growing on the inside.. Women don't grow hair inside their vaginas..

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