Autobiography of Al Bielek - Time Travel

1 year ago

Al Bielek's birth certificate is dated March 31, 1927, but whether he was "born" on that date or not depends on how much of Al's story you're willing to believe.

Al has always maintained that his real identity is that of Edward Cameron, son of a career Naval officer; that he had participated in the Philadelphia Experiment of August 12, 1943; and that he had been regressed back in time to that of a 9 month old baby in California in December 1927, where he was raised as "Al Bielek" by Arthur E. and Albertina Bielek.

During his Montauk work, he would work his normal day job in California, and take a highly classified , high speed, underground magnetic levitation subway train from Los Angeles to Montauk, Long Island in about 2 hours to carry out his duties at Montauk and take the same 2 hour subway ride back to Los Angeles by early morning.

After the time tunnel was perfected at Montauk, he would simply be teleported to the Long Island underground base and returned back to his apartment using Montauk's time tunnel machine.

During the 1970's, Al was the Program Director for the group of Psychics who manned the Montauk Chair. His duties were to handle the operations of the Mind Control program. He was in regular contact with Duncan Cameron and Preston Nichols. Stewart Swerdlow was one of the Montauk Boys programmers under Al Bielek.

In the 1980's when the time control programs were operational, Al participated in some of the time travel experiments. Both he and Duncan traveled to Mars on several occasions. He now remembers several other trips he took with special teams to a research station in 100,000 BC; to other planets to get canisters filled with Light and Dark Energy; and to the year 6037.

Al made the decision to go public with the information about his involvement at Montauk and the Philadelphia experiment in 1989. He has been a prolific speaker on both radio talk shows and at conferences.

Al Bielek was a close friend of Phil Schneider while he was still alive and convinced Phil to go public with his story of government collusion with negative extraterrestrials, bent on installing a New World Order slave society.

During these interviews, Al Bielek said he received information that up to 2 Million children are missing each year. This corroborates with estimates made by Ted Gunderson and others that many children are being snatched by government agents and others for secret uses in mind control programs, underground slave labor for aliens, satanic ritual abuse/murder, slavery/prostitution, and other black ops programs.

Al Bielek also gave many audio and video presentations over the years with Preston Nichols, a veteran of the Montauk Project and co-author of many books on Montauk with Peter Moon.

Interview with Al Bielek about Phil Schneider, Aliens, DUMBs, Time Travel, 350+ pictures, 7 videos

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