June 6th, 2023, Remembrance Day, D day

1 year ago

Every day is Remembrance Day, but today is one day we remember the courage and sacrifices of thousands of men. I can't even fathom the courage it took for people like my Grandfather, Arthur Edward Rogers to climb into the tin can and drove it off the back of a ship into the swelling ocean. Half the tanks and their crew sank from being swamped, they drowned as the tank sank to the bottom of the Ocean. Grampa Arthur did make it to shore, and with great ferocity fought tooth and nail day in and day out. Often had two, sometimes three tanks blown out from under him bc the armor was paper thin. Can you imagine, I want you to stop and think about being in their shoes, what it would be like to wake up each day, driving this giant gun, battling German tanks that were far superior. It sends shivers up my back when I think about what they went through.

His Brother Uncle Jack was in the same Troop, together fought a war that they were told was the war to end all wars. "Just extinguish this evil dictator Hitler and his army and there will never be a war, the world will be rid of unaccountable dictators who force their will on the populations".

But it was a lie, Capitalists profited like never before, making billions on the blood of men who left their families behind, murdering and slaughtering thousands of other men, whom if they met in peacetime in a pub would have been friends. There were many civilians that got caught in the carnage, and the men who survived the war, returned with broken hearts and broken Souls bc of the orders they followed, slaughtering indiscriminately.

World War II wasn't even finished and the psychopaths started the third world war with Russia. The amount of resources and energy spent on the Cold war, leading up to today's war in Ukraine. The amount of money and resources could have given every single man woman and child a home and rid the world of hunger. The amount of fossil fuels and chemicals and manufacturing of weapons, tanks ships planes trucks and other materials since is beyond calculation bc its so much...so much waste, the best and brightest minds dupped into developing and building more sophisticated weapons. Everything on earth, every new invention is first assessed and earmarked for the Industrial-Military Complex, aka pure Evil.

I hold the state of the world, the enormous debt the USA is in, gazillions all for war, nothing more. yet millions starve to death worldwide, millions of Americans living on the streets, homeless, hungry. Canada and the rest of the world as well. The economy is on the brink of collapse, crime rates are uncontrollable, with drugs fueling the destruction, intentionally created by the CIA to keep the mass acting like asses. A sick society destroying families, and people can't afford to live bc of the Capitalists raping and pillaging the resources, stealing from people, overcharging,

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