Murder Suspect Gets Shot by Officers Following Attempted Arrest

1 year ago

* (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) *
Orange Park, Florida — On May 12, 2023, the Broward County Sheriff's Office began investigating a murder that occurred in their County. As part of that investigation, JSO, assisted by serving search warrants on a residence and a vehicle located within Duval County. On May 18, 2023, the Broward County Sheriff's Office obtained a warrant for 39-year-old Zonchez Delarfette Prince, arrest for First Degree Murder with a Firearm. Prince and his brother planned to murder an individual named Jazzy Johnson. On May 12, 2023, Prince, who is armed with a firearm, approached Johnson and the deceased victim. Johnson and the victim fled in separate directions. Prince and another suspect chased and shot at the victim, striking and killing him.

Once the warrant was issued, the Broward County Sheriff's Office requested the assistance of JSO in locating Prince, a Duval County resident, to serve the arrest warrant on him. On Friday, May 19, 2023, shortly before 6 p.m., members of the JSO SWAT team located Prince and followed him to a parking lot in the 1100 block of Park Avenue, just beyond the Duval County Line in Clay County, Florida. Due to an interagency agreement in place, JSO officers can travel into neighboring counties, such as Clay County, in pursuit of a Suspect with an act of arrest warrant. After Prince pulled his vehicle into a parking space, members of the SWAT team parked their truck behind his car to prevent him from fleeing. With Prince's car being blocked in, officers surrounded his vehicle with their service weapons drawn and announced to Prince that there was a warrant for his arrest.

He was given numerous verbal commands to exit his vehicle, but Prince refused to comply and instead told them that they would have to kill him. While officers continue to order Prince to exit his vehicle, Prince pulled a firearm and pointed it at one of the officers through his open driver's seat window. At that time, two of the officers fired their weapons at Prince. Officers then approached the vehicle, removed Prince's firearm from the immediate vicinity, and provided initial medical care to him. Due to the extent of his injuries, Prince died at the scene. Prince's firearm was recovered and photographed by crime scene detectives. A 10mm handgun was loaded with one round in the Firearm's chamber and seven rounds in the magazine. Due to Marsy's Law, which prevents law enforcement agencies from disclosing the identity of victims, JSO is not identifying the officers involved.

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0:00 - Bodycam: Officer #1
1:27 - Bodycam: Officer #2
2:34 - Bodycam: Officer #3
3:23 - Patreon Supporters

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