Laurel and Hardy | The Flying Deuces | FULL MOVIE FREE | COMEDY DUO

1 year ago

This movie is in the public domain. See Wikipedia and reference.


Ollie has fallen in love with the innkeeper's daughter in Paris. The only problem - she's very much in love with her husband. To forget her he joins the Foreign Legion with Stan. Bad idea.

Director: A. Edward Sutherland
Writers: Ralph SpenceCharley RogersFred Schiller
Stars: Stan LaurelOliver HardyJean Parker

In Popular Culture

In an episode of Doctor Who entitled "The Impossible Astronaut" (2011), Amy Pond and Rory Williams watch the film on DVD. Rory sees The Doctor in the film running toward the camera wearing his fez and waving before returning to dance with Stan and Ollie.

The scene in Georgette's bedroom briefly appears on a television in the 1985 film Cocoon.

The image of Stan and Ollie dancing to "Shine on Harvest Moon" appeared in a 1985 Hershey commercial.

The "Shine On, Harvest Moon" sequence appears early in the 1987 film Dot Goes to Hollywood, with Dot dancing with Stan.

[IMDB & Wikipedia]

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