Jodi LoDolce Prophetic Anointing from Prophet Passion Java

1 year ago

He calls me out by the name Amanda - who is my daughter-in-law, whose Great Grandfather was South African Preacher David Du Plessis.

"This Fire will go to your house. This anointing will go with you. You have been Marked in the Prophetic. Prophetic Mark shall go with you. You Will carry this Word of the Prophetic!"
Being Marked or anointed by God means that you have God's approval. That you have been chosen for a special purpose!
Every prophet has a different mark as there is a unique grace God gives to fulfill your assignment however you must first partake of the word God has given you. A Prophets life is not easy!
But God does nothing without first revealing it to His Prophets!

He called the name Amanda, that's my daughter-in-law. I waited when no one answered to the name I told him. Her great grand-father was from South Africa! He was a preacher .. he came to America to share the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the charismatic churches.. he was highly respected in the Christian Community. It's embarrassing to see oneself on video.. especially when trying to fight falling down .. but the anointing .. Wow!

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