US Betrayed to Communist China: Ex-Asst. Defense Sec. Gaffney on the Threat

1 year ago

The United States is under attack from within, with betrayal to the Chinese Communist Party in both the public and private sectors, warns Center for Security Policy Founder Frank Gaffney, who served as Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy under President Ronald Reagan.

In this special episode of Sentinel Report with Alex Newman, Gaffney reveals that this is a HUGE problem that must be dealt with or America will fall with the rest of the free world. He also explains what the average American can do about this threat.

In Gaffney's newest book 'The Indictment: Prosecuting the Chinese Communist Party & Friends for Crimes against America, China, and the World,' he explores how:

1) the CCP’s decades-long self-described “Unrestricted Warfare” against America;
2) the role America’s elites have played in helping the Chinese Communists win.

The Indictment identifies nine criminal “charges” that can and must be brought and prosecuted, at least in the court of public opinion, against the Chinese Communist Party and its American enablers. If, moreover, the CCP is designated as the Transnational Criminal Organization it is, actual criminal prosecutions of the Party and its friends should also be possible.

In News, Alex goes through:
--Next week, Chris Christie and Mike Pence plan to announce GOP presidential bids. Doubt either of them will go very far.

--John Strand faces up to 24 years in prison for his presence at the Capitol on January 6th. He was working as security for Dr. Simone Gold who had a government issued permit to give a speech in DC on that day. Video proves that Dr. Gold and John Strand were swept up into the large crowds of people and pushed into the Capitol building once the doors were open from the inside. Dr. Gold gave her speech, John Strand protected her during the surges of people, and both were peaceful, never breaking anything or causing harm to anyone. Yet, a DC Jury found John Strand guilty of 5 total counts, 1 felony and 4 misdemeanors. The DOJ is pushing for 6 1/2 years in prison for Mr. Strand with 3 years additional probation.

--Fake media and even some Republicans spreading hysteria about new bill in Uganda on homosexuality and death penalty. It does NOT criminalize homosexual feelings, but provides death penalty for raping children or willingly infecting somebody with AIDS. You can disagree without misrepresenting what the bill does. Uganda’s president has signed an anti-gay legislation that received the support of many in the country but also the condemnation of rights activists abroad.

--Amid a major power grab by the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) seeking to further empower the global agency, lawmakers and leaders across the United States are stepping up efforts to protect self-government, national sovereignty and the rights of all Americans. In fact, many in Congress and beyond say it is time for the U.S. government to defund and even withdraw from the WHO once again.
Last week, governments from around the world sent delegates to the annual World Health Assembly in Geneva. They will be meeting until May 30. The main objective of this year’s confab is to radically extend the organization’s power over healthcare and citizens under the guise of improving “health” and fighting future disease outbreaks in a coordinated global fashion. Critics say it is a dangerous plan to centralize power in a corrupt agency controlled by Beijing.

--After ignoring the millions of families fleeing government indoctrination centers, Washington ComPost (Jeff Bezos propaganda machine) found a HUGE story! ONE couple that was homeschooled decided to send their daughter to government school. Stop the presses everyone! This is why less than 1/4 Americans in polls express any trust for the media. Expect more in the future.

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